small meals often or a few big meals?

lma0423 Posts: 78 Member
What i eat depends on the day im having. I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts and healthier options, but some days im so busy that it isnt possible, for example yesterday. I had a bagel with creamcheese (500 cal) for breakfast, then 8 hours later i had a grilled chicken salad cobb salad at a restaurant that was about 900 calories. It was still within my calories but i felt guilty. Will this hinder my weekly weightloss, or is it really all about calories and making sure you dont go over.


  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Hey so you carry a purse around I suggest you go get some powerbars or protein bars they will give you that middle of the day snack you are worrying about :) Good Luck!
  • mmildice
    mmildice Posts: 63
    When I was losing my weight, i am in maintence now, i would eat smaller meals. This helped me keep my calories in check. I understand that it may be hard but eating more often helped me a lot.
    Good luck with your journey!!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Well you didn't go over in calories but I am sure the carbs were high, fat and sodium too...that being said I eat 6x a day and I eat things like hard boiled eggs...string cheese...Almond nut thins (gluten free rice crackers) lean meats...fruits and veggies...and I have never felt better...
  • SpaceMarkus
    When I was working full time and an Engineer I would have crazy hours. I always had a P90X bar and packet of Shakeology with me. They made it really easy to stick to my eating plan and calories.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts.

    This is a diet myth that refuses to die.

    If I ate like that, I'd just always be hungry. Larger meals fill me up and stay with me longer than smaller meals. I haven't had any problems losing weight eating large meals a few times a day.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I found eating three normal meals around 500 calories plus three snacks around 150-200 works for me. I have protein with every meal and snack and it keeps me from overeating at the main meals. So I guess I'm doing both. If I know I'm going to be out at a restuarant where my choices are limited I either forego one of the snacks or plan to have only half of what I order and save the rest for a second meal.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I understand the theory behind the small meals frequently and on one level it make sense to me.
    It just doesn't work for me. The small meals are never enough to make me unhungry and I always end up going OVER on my calories.

    When I was doing 1200/day I had to eat 300-400 cal at a meal to feel satisfied. So I shot for 300 cal for 300 meals and then I could have 2 or 3 100 to 150 calorie snacks.

    No I'm doing 1400 cal/day I shoot for three 400 calorie meals and the rest in snacks.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts.

    This is a diet myth that refuses to die.

    If I ate like that, I'd just always be hungry. Larger meals fill me up and stay with me longer than smaller meals. I haven't had any problems losing weight eating large meals a few times a day.

    what she said
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    It's whatever works for you. I did the three meals, and I was always snacky. Now, I eat 5 small meals and my snackiness has died down a lot (and my weight loss has increased). But, it's not the same for other people, as evidenced by replies on this thread.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts.

    This is a diet myth that refuses to die.

    If I ate like that, I'd just always be hungry. Larger meals fill me up and stay with me longer than smaller meals. I haven't had any problems losing weight eating large meals a few times a day.
    Eating more often works for me. Otherwise I gorge myself, feel ill, and then do it again a few hours later because I don't stay full.
  • suggagina
    suggagina Posts: 35 Member
    Eating smaller meals under 500 calories which includes plenty of raw and/or steamed vegetables along with friut and plenty of water has really helped me stay under my calories and Im not hungry during the day. You have to find your balance but water is your main component.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts.

    This is a diet myth that refuses to die.

    If I ate like that, I'd just always be hungry. Larger meals fill me up and stay with me longer than smaller meals. I haven't had any problems losing weight eating large meals a few times a day.
    Eating more often works for me. Otherwise I gorge myself, feel ill, and then do it again a few hours later because I don't stay full.

    Where I say "myth," I mean that eating several small meals over fewer large ones results in bigger losses. Beyond that, it is absolutely individual. If eating that way works better for you, then you should do it.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant. If you feel better eating 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours then go for it. However you will have the same results eating 2-3 meals a day as far as weight loss is concerned.

    If it's about you are worried that you might snack more when eating 2-3 times a day then thats more of a self-control issue rather than "meal timing".

    Calorie intake vs TDEE plus hitting your macros is what matters.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,220 Member
    I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts.

    This is a diet myth that refuses to die.

    If I ate like that, I'd just always be hungry. Larger meals fill me up and stay with me longer than smaller meals. I haven't had any problems losing weight eating large meals a few times a day.

    I was going to say the same thing. There is no evidence it is more healthy or better for weight loss or fat loss to eat a bunch of small meal a day. It is a complete myth. What is important is staying within your calorie budget with high quality food. If you eat 3 or 6 or 9 meals, the weight loss will be the same. The only difference is for some people it helps control hunger, for others, they are always hungry doing it. Find what works for you and stick to it.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts.

    This is a diet myth that refuses to die.

    If I ate like that, I'd just always be hungry. Larger meals fill me up and stay with me longer than smaller meals. I haven't had any problems losing weight eating large meals a few times a day.

    Me too. When I eat small meals I never flip that "full" switch and I have the munchies all day. When I eat more than four times a day I am ALWAYS over my calories.

    So long as your macros are ok and you're near your calorie goal (being too far under won't do you any favors) - you're fine.

    If you're not a "grazer" by nature there is no use obsessing with food all day long by doing the 6 meal a day thing!

  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    What i eat depends on the day im having. I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts and healthier options, but some days im so busy that it isnt possible, for example yesterday. I had a bagel with creamcheese (500 cal) for breakfast, then 8 hours later i had a grilled chicken salad cobb salad at a restaurant that was about 900 calories. It was still within my calories but i felt guilty. Will this hinder my weekly weightloss, or is it really all about calories and making sure you dont go over.
    Every body is different in some way - and while there are some pretty specific things that most people can do that EVERYONE will lose weight doing - everyone is also slightly different...

    That being said - MY experience is that smaller meals - no matter what - is an absolute must... eating the same overall calories in 3 larger meals halted a lot of my weight loss - so I'm moving back to smaller meals (regardless of what effort I had to make to get it done)...
    I think long term it is the smartest way to do it - you DO eat healthier, you feel more full (you are eating more often so of course you would) and I won't want to snack as much at night..

    I wish YOU the best in your goals and hope you can figure out an option that will work best for your fitness and weight loss desires!!!
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    Everyone is so different, hey? I eat three meals at 300-400 cals per and eat the rest in snacks when or if I need them. I usually have a snack after I've worked out, as I can feel hungry then. Eating six small meals, makes me hungry, snacky and I tend to go over then. Just me though :)
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    What i eat depends on the day im having. I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts and healthier options, but some days im so busy that it isnt possible, for example yesterday. I had a bagel with creamcheese (500 cal) for breakfast, then 8 hours later i had a grilled chicken salad cobb salad at a restaurant that was about 900 calories. It was still within my calories but i felt guilty. Will this hinder my weekly weightloss, or is it really all about calories and making sure you dont go over.
    Every body is different in some way - and while there are some pretty specific things that most people can do that EVERYONE will lose weight doing - everyone is also slightly different...

    That being said - MY experience is that smaller meals - no matter what - is an absolute must... eating the same overall calories in 3 larger meals halted a lot of my weight loss - so I'm moving back to smaller meals (regardless of what effort I had to make to get it done)...
    I think long term it is the smartest way to do it - you DO eat healthier, you feel more full (you are eating more often so of course you would) and I won't want to snack as much at night..

    I wish YOU the best in your goals and hope you can figure out an option that will work best for your fitness and weight loss desires!!!

    Your quote, "I think long term it is the smartest way to do it - you DO eat healthier, you feel more full (you are eating more often so of course you would) and I won't want to snack as much at night.."....well I would have stayed with your above quote....that everyone is different, has their own opinion, and things just work differently for different people. I eat three meals 3-4 hundred cals and snack if I need it, like after a workout.....I am never hungry at night. My meals are super, duper healthy, so I really thinks it's false to state that you eat healthier when you eat smaller meals. Smaller meals can be just as much junk as a larger ones!!! I personally do not feel fuller when I am eating smaller meals, infact it's the other way around! I stuggled to stay under, now, I am consistantly under! Thanks =D

    PS Do whatever works for you! Your food choices can be healthy either way. You will lose weight either way that works for you.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Going to walk away from this thread before I get myself into trouble.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,220 Member
    What i eat depends on the day im having. I know that it is much healthier to eat often small amounts and healthier options, but some days im so busy that it isnt possible, for example yesterday. I had a bagel with creamcheese (500 cal) for breakfast, then 8 hours later i had a grilled chicken salad cobb salad at a restaurant that was about 900 calories. It was still within my calories but i felt guilty. Will this hinder my weekly weightloss, or is it really all about calories and making sure you dont go over.
    Every body is different in some way - and while there are some pretty specific things that most people can do that EVERYONE will lose weight doing - everyone is also slightly different...

    That being said - MY experience is that smaller meals - no matter what - is an absolute must... eating the same overall calories in 3 larger meals halted a lot of my weight loss - so I'm moving back to smaller meals (regardless of what effort I had to make to get it done)...
    I think long term it is the smartest way to do it - you DO eat healthier, you feel more full (you are eating more often so of course you would) and I won't want to snack as much at night..

    I wish YOU the best in your goals and hope you can figure out an option that will work best for your fitness and weight loss desires!!!

    While everyone is different, statistically speaking the vast majority of people fall within a general pattern usually along a nice bell curve. That is why scientists even study things like meal frequency since the vast majority of people will be near the middle of that curve. Some are not, but most are. Yes for some people who are outside of that middle portion eating a bunch of small meals or eating one meal makes a difference, but all the research I have seen baring one study which had a bunch of very big flaws show that for the vast majority of people meal frequency makes no difference in weight loss. In fact even in terms of insulin control, frequent small meals do not help the majority of people, but likely hurt them. I am glad it works for you, but it is by no means the "best" way to eat. It would have been far from how our hunter gatherer ancestors lived as they ate when they had food and when they ran out they needed to hunt down more meaning times of no food. The key is energy control, that is not eating more calories than you burn creating a small deficit whether you eat 1 meal a day or 9. I would add to that, eat the number of meals that keep you at your calorie goal while making you feel most satiated. For me that is 3 meals a day with perhaps an evening snack. For others it is more, and others less. The important thing to remember is that for the vast majority of people the evidence point to the fact it is not meal timing that makes a difference.