


  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I love the Zumba classes at my gym. Typically burn 600-800 calories in an hour (i wear a hrm). Wish i could do it more often, but it gets in the way of my training sessions. I wear my vibram fivefingers shoes for the classes.
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply for me :-) i am definately going to give it a go and have found some classes near me

  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    One warning about Zumba. After doing it for a while, you may find yourself dancing anytime music comes on. Supermarket line, tv commercial, etc.
  • melmck2011
    I had my first Zumab class yesterday and loved it!!! I'm definitely not the most coordinated one out there, but I managed all the same. Looking forward to class on Wednesday.
  • cuteek
    cuteek Posts: 33
    One warning about Zumba. After doing it for a while, you may find yourself dancing anytime music comes on. Supermarket line, tv commercial, etc.

    Omg glad it's not just me then.... I do Zumba moves to everything lately lol
  • Emilyannewithane
    It is addictive and I am never bored. In fact, I'm bored stiff when running, except when I have an ipod with me. So, the music is key for me. I haven't lost much weight, but in 5 weeks I'm down a pants size, so there ya go! :)
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    As an instructor of Zumba... I HIGHLY recommend it!!!

    I do an intense workout with a combo of latin and hip hop...My favorite latin to do is Cumbia & Reggaeton...Upbeat, high energy!

    No, you do not have to know how to dance to do Zumba.

    Yes, it takes a bit to learn the routines/steps but once you do...YOU GO!!!

    Everyone feels the need to get in the back when they first start out...that's all right, EVERYONE does! =)

    No one really pays any attention to the person next to them, unless of course they're flailing all over! lol...But that's ok! I love to watch my students as they all of a sudden "get" a move!!! It's amazing to see their face!

    Modify, modify, modify....anything that makes your body feel uncomfortable, modify it. You do Zumba to YOUR level of fitness and coordination...make the move easier for you or get high intense in your moves...

    No one can move exactly like their instructor but they try...That's the best part....YOU"RE MOVING!!!

    Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!