
Hi all :) I hope I am posting correctly here, I'm not too techno savy.

I recently got a new smart phone which makes joining myfitnesspal so much more accessible during the day to keep track of everything food and exercise. Although I'm still trying to figure the darn thing out!

I am excited to be starting with myfitnesspal as a means to get a realistic view of how much I really am eating and exercising everyday.

My goal is to loose 15lbs and to tone up those stubborn places I have such a hard time with (saddlebags, ugh.) I also hope to be more conscious of the nutritional value of what I'm putting in my body. I have such a sweet tooth.

I am not getting any younger and my metabolism is not getting any faster, so, it is time to take control of my health once and for all!!!


  • Welcome to MFP! I'm pretty new to MFP, myself, but have found it pretty useful and I'm loving it so far! Hopefully your experience with it is positive, as well. Good luck with all your weight-loss endeavors!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I love that I can use my iPhone to log my food and exercise throughout the day. Makes it so much easier.
    Good luck to you!
  • hi! i am recently new also and you will fin a lot of support here with these ladies; they are awesome and will help keep you motivated. don't get discouraged, keep going! you can do this. you must have the power over the food and not let it control you. eat right, watch portion size and realize that it took a while to put on and it won't always come off fast but it will come off it you keep at it. good luck!
  • jrmccall
    jrmccall Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! It's nice to see some other newbies out there and also see how many experienced MFP people there are. I am a huge fan of positive reinforcement, I think this is going to be a good adventure :)
  • hi,
    I joined recently my self but only really started today, (not doing well all ready over cals. couldn't resist homemade flapjack in work) Good luck with your journey.
  • jrmccall
    jrmccall Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Clare! I'm finding it hard to stick to the calories at first here too. I hadn't realized just how much I had been consuming on an everyday basis. No wonder those 15 lbs came outa nowhere!!!

    Being at work is the hardest. I came in today to chocolate crossants, cake and cookies left over from someones weekend party. Ugh! It is a total battle of will power. Good luck to you too!!!
  • I'm posting for the first time today. Started counting calories again on July 17th. I have not weighed myself since then, cuz basically, the scale is a trigger for me. I lose more than expected and I want to celebrate by loosening up on my plan of action. I don't lose enough, and I want to comfort myself with food. You know how it goes...

    I'm looking to gain support and integrity with food as I go through this process again.

    Right now, my affect is flat. Not sure what is going on there, but wonder if its a matter of coming down from the sugar highs of the past.

    Continuing on, regardless.

    I have been logging my calories and eating here for about a week.
