Turing 40, and reinventing myself.

nique823 Posts: 5
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, My name is Dominique but my friends call me Nique. I will be turing 40 on August 23 and I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I started my weigh gain when I moved to Memphis, TN six years ago. Memphis is great place. I really enjoy living here. I fell in love with the city, the FOOD, and the people. I actually fell in love and remarried a wonderful man. During the dating process was when the weight gain began. Touring downtown, trying various resturants, cuddling on the couch watch movies, you know the drill. By the time we were engaged I went from a size 8 to a size 16. Well my husband has never had childern and because he is such a good man I promised him one. Well right before we got married, actually 4 months before we got married I got pregnant with our wonderful son, Alexander. So of course I could not wear my wedding dress. During my pregancy I gained 50 pounds. Currently I am in a size 18. My family loves and adores me, but I am not happy with my current size. Chasing after a two year old little boy gets difficult when you are weighing 236lbs. I know if I continue on this way, it wil affect my health and my capablities to be the best person, mother, wife that I am destined to be. I will not allow my weight to be an hinderance.


  • gloryrest
    gloryrest Posts: 47 Member
    Nique, It is good to meet you. My name is Donna and I just had a birthday August 11th. I am 45 now. You are making a good decision to lose the weight but most important getting as healthy as you can so you will maintain your goal and direction of healthy living. I encourage you to find ways of losing weight that are natural and will not require a spirit of depression or burden. Take your time and do it right (that which is good for your body). I just joined the site two weeks ago but this is my first day on a real plan. I'm excited about it all and excited for YOU!!! Let's Do This!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello and welcome! you are here for the right reasons and mfp has great tools and support and loads of people to motivate you! feel free to add me! i have a 2.5yr old and know what little monsters they are at that age! lol
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! You will love it here. My advice: Just keep coming back everyday. Don't try to be perfect. "Good enough for you" is a step in the right direction.

    I turned 40 last year, and I am probably healthier than I have been in my life. I've run two 5K's this year, and I was NEVER a runner. You will be amazed at what your body can do when you challenge it. Don't let silly things like numbers on the scale or the calendar get in your way. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • AnuMe901
    AnuMe901 Posts: 44
    Welcome to MFP. I think you have the right attitude. This is a journey for all of us and we will get there. :happy:
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Congratulations on your marriage and baby!!!! This site is very encouraging! Log on everyday you'll be surprised how much it will help. Google "how to burn 100 calories" and you'll be surprised how many things you can do at home and work to burn 100 calories. You can pick up some quick ways to burn calories. Stay focused and don't quit trying. :smile: Good luck and welcome!!!!
  • fussy72
    fussy72 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning Nique and welcome to MFP!

    You and I are on the same page as I am turning 40 in February and have 3 children. I am currently 218 and an 18-20. I am confident in who I am, i just want there to be less of me. A major difference between us is that I have been overweight for more than 30 years. So I can't even imagine being an 8. I would like to get down to 140-150 lbs and see how I look.
    I encourage you to do the best for yourself, your son and your husband. Changing habits is the hardest part of the process. Getting active is the second. I thought keeping up with my 2 and 4 year old boys was a workout, but I need to get back in the gym! :o)

    Good luck and I will pray for your determination to be strengthened and that you stay on track to success.
    Be blessed,
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Welcome, Nique!! I think a lot of us 40-something moms on here can sympathize. I turned 40 last year and developed several health problems to boot. Talk about depressing! I sat on the couch and gained somewhere around 40 pounds this past winter. I came here to turn that around. My 41st birthday is next week and I feel fantastic. I lost most of the weight I put on, started running (I never liked running before!), and am about to run my first 5K. This is a GREAT place to get support and encouragement and it's as easy as logging on every day. When you have a rough day, as we all do, your mfp friends will be there to help you get back on track. And when you have a great day they're right there to cheer you on! Good luck!! And if you are looking for friends, feel free to send me a request.
  • Thanks so much for the encourgement. I truly needed it. I know that I will have to take one day at a time. But I look forward to the challenge. Reading about these various post really gets me inspired. It always feels good to know there are people out there dealing with the same issues and successing in becoming healthy. It inspires hope, drive and ambition to achieve my personal goals. I seemed to have made the right decision joining the community.I feel even more positive that I will achieve my goals.
    Thank You
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