New-Looking for other folks with chronic health issues

I'm new here and would love advice and support from anyone else out there working through pain, disability and trying to lose weight and get stronger without hurting themselves. Safe, sustainable, healthy are my mantras. I'd like to hear what keeps you going when health issues mean you may need to rest sometimes. How do you get back out there every time after surgery or when possible. How do you push yourself without pushing yourself too far?


  • I personal don't have health issues but my wife as a bad knee and lowerback. I am currently working with her to help her lose some weight to reduce some of her pain. and I would be happy to help you all I can
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have:

    Steel rods/pins in my spine (spinal fusion surgery)

    I have a bulging disc in one of the few discs that aren't fused.

    I have degenerative disc disorder in the discs that aren't fused - this is a direct result of the stress put on them by the fusion

    I had bursitis in my right hip and also a fatigue stress fracture in the same hip.

    I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder

    And I'm asthmatic.

    You start slowly, you move up slowly. I'm not one to let my physical ailments affect my quality of life. I am known for pushing my body harder than I probably should - but I don't want to accept anything less than 100% of what I'm able to do. Is it hard? Absolutely. But, I've lost 60lbs and have been in maintenance for a few months now.

    If *I* can do this - seriously.. ANYONE can!
  • i have sever knee pain due to arthritis an i have slightly damaged lungs due to mod exposure so i get what u are saying and it takes a little time to adjust to working out and i can help with a little advice.. start off doing just what u can lightly and after a week or so try a little more but pace ur self i pushed to hard one day and i was down for three days.. add me as a friend.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have osteo-arthritis in my left knee. A torn ACL in my right knee. My feet and ankles used to swell really badly, but changed when I stopped eating processed foods. I actually had to take a week off from the gym on doctor's orders because it was hurting so bad. I also rarely a able to drink 8 or more glasses of water because of a bladder condition. I think the key is to focus on the fact that eating well and exercising is so much better for your overall health.

    I started off taking water aerobics 2 x's a week and gradually increased the times a week I take class. I still mostly rely in g water aerobics as my sole means of exercise, but I no longer need a cart to get around the grocers or Target.
  • hiya hun , ive had a chronic illness for 6 yrs now ,fibromyalgia and attaxia ,my mobilty is real bad ,ive always been a fatty and have lots to lose .i have to abide by pacing myself otherwise im good for nothing . gentle and little and often is all i can do as my muscles just dont work how they should and chronic fatigue wipes me off the planet if i over do it ,so my advice to anyone in pain is ...have understanding family and friends ,lighten your mood with music of your taste ,sing and move what ever you can comfortably ,your day of good health will come eventually but over do it and you will wait a little longer . i used to line dance swim do the gym and all sorts but not anymore ,its very depressing so like i say any gentle exercise and good friends and music are my choice of making my days more managable . if my brain lets me i will do things ,if its in a fog and not possible then i let that moment pass ,its far better than beating myself up about it , with music i can stretch and move while sitting and know i wont fall over ,put me on a treadmill and im bound to come flying off the end so i dont lol .stay positive smile and do what ever your self allows dont fight it as i did that just made me depressed . listen to your body pace and easy and slowly is good in my book x good luck .
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am here to keep track of nutrients to control(minimize) kidney stones.
  • My Mom has the same exact spine issue including the fusion (2 disks). She's done amazingly well, but now that her feet have issues, when she's unable to walk due to her feet, her back gets really bad. If she walks a ton which helps her back, her poor feet struggle as her arches are collapsing. Her ability to stay positive really helps set a great example, and I love how she is always trying new healthy recipes.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My Mom has the same exact spine issue including the fusion (2 disks). She's done amazingly well, but now that her feet have issues, when she's unable to walk due to her feet, her back gets really bad. If she walks a ton which helps her back, her poor feet struggle as her arches are collapsing. Her ability to stay positive really helps set a great example, and I love how she is always trying new healthy recipes.

    Mine is fused from L4 to T3 (or is it T4 to L3? I can never remember... lol). Just suffice it to say the majority of my spine is fused. It isn't easy to live with - but, you figure it out.

    Good Luck to your mom.