When was it that it hit you?



  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    I had my 1st son 13 yrs ago and my before baby weight was 108lbs (size 0-2). After him I went up to about 135lbs. Up and down for a while but kept it steady. Then went through a awful breakup. Didn't pay much attention to my weight and frankly didn't care. Then I met my now husband. I was about 150lbs. We got engaged and started prepping for the wedding. I went up to 179lbs in a matter of 6 months. I thought it was stress. It was PCOS. After having my 2nd son I stood at 179lbs for a while but then slowly but surely began to put on the weight. I had no excuses just pure laziness. Now at 226lbs I can't believe I let myself get here.

    You are doing great. We can def do this!!!
    I was 180 when I got pregnant, and here I am at 225 just 2 years later... I feel disgusted with myself and I have never been this heavy. I just got lazy after my son was born and used having a baby as an excuse to not do anything physical and sit around all day. I am wearing size 20W pants when just 4-5 years ago I was in a 13 Juniors... I am embarrassed and don't even want to get undressed in front of my husband anymore. Also, my dad just told me recently that he was concerned about my weight and said he wanted me to be around to see my son grow up. I am tired of seeing all the toned women in bikinis as well... while I come up with reasons why I can't go swimming because I refuse to wear a swimsuit. All those things are why I finally said enough is enough. I started my journey 6/22/11 and I'm only down 13 pounds, but it's a good start!
  • CarmenSox
    CarmenSox Posts: 110 Member
    The day i picked up my 4 year old from school and another child said to another child "Your mommy is here" The other child said "thats not my mommy, my mommys not fat" I could not imagine my child having to grow up to defend her "fat mommy" SO that day will probably live long in my memory. Today, I thank that other child. That 4 year old helped me change my life and she will never know it. A true blessing!
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    The day i picked up my 4 year old from school and another child said to another child "Your mommy is here" The other child said "thats not my mommy, my mommys not fat" I could not imagine my child having to grow up to defend her "fat mommy" SO that day will probably live long in my memory. Today, I thank that other child. That 4 year old helped me change my life and she will never know it. A true blessing!

    Awe that is so sad:cry: I know your baby just sees her beautiful mommy:smile: Congratulations on becoming a healthier you!!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I've always been overweight. Even in junior high and high school. I'm a mom to 3, and before I got pregnant with my first, I weighed 220. Two weeks ago today, we were getting in the swimming pool, and my almost 5 yr old asked me why my legs jiggled. I tried to laugh it off and just told him because I'm fat. He said, "Yeah, that's because you need to exercise." My own kid is smarter than I am. Later that day, I got on the scale--298. I'd gained over 70 lbs since 2005. That's just ridiculous. I was kililng myself with food and a sedentary lifestyle. That was Aug 1. Since then, I have changed my eating habits, and I've exercised at least 30 minutes everday but 1 day. I'm down almost 14 pounds. I still have a ways to go, but this time I'm going to do it. I'm going to be successful. And it's not because I'm doing this for my husband or my kids. I'm doing this for ME!
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    A few years ago I was taking some college courses and this girl and I were apparently in position for the same parking space so when I pulled in she called me a “fat b*tch” and I was so hurt because I had never been called fat by a stranger. I’ve called myself fat as well as some friends and family but a stranger??? So for years I’ve watched all the weight loss shows such as “Biggest Loser” and I see the people on the show and I say “she is the same height and weight as me, do I look like that?” I reached my highest weight in August 2008 (234lbs) and decided there was no way I was going larger than a size 18 so by February 2009 I had lost 30 but then just stopped working out. I decided in January this year that I was tired of fluctuating from 203 to 218 and seeing my double chin in every reflection I passed. I haven’t taken a picture in forever because I hate the way I look. I wanted to take family pictures with my children but I wanted to wait until I lost weight and now my son is 22, my daughter is 15 and I am still waiting to lose weight so I can take that picture! I want that picture!!! I am back on track now and I haven’t weighed less than 200lbs in 8 years but I’m ALMOST there!!!! :smile:
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    For me, it was a bunch of stuff happening at around the same time:

    My wife had our 2nd child.

    I turned 30.

    I weighed over 300 lbs for the first time.

    But none of that was as big a motivator as when my little girl came up to me and said, "Daddy, you're really big. Are you going to die?"
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Wow, your story really touched me. My son always tells me - Mommy we need to exercise. Now we are doing it together!!!
    For me, it was a bunch of stuff happening at around the same time:

    My wife had our 2nd child.

    I turned 30.

    I weighed over 300 lbs for the first time.

    But none of that was as big a motivator as when my little girl came up to me and said, "Daddy, you're really big. Are you going to die?"
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