What to do on my off days of running?

I tried searching for this particular question, but did not come up with anything. I even searched a few different variations of the question so forgive me if its been asked before.

What does everyone do exercise-wise on their off days of running? I am on week 4 of C25K and need some ideas for workouts that would help aid me while running. I typically run 4 days of the week, but need something to do on my down days. I have been doing pilates as well as walking a brisk pace for about 2 miles. Its worked out really well but I am getting bored.

So what do you do on your off days? Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. :heart:


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Are you doing any strength training? That could give you a good upper body workout while resting your legs. Could do abs/arms on your days off running.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Strength training. I definitely recommend doing it. I saw the biggest change when I started doing that AND cardio.

  • Shutterpillar
    I am not. I did try doing 30DS (I have completed it before), but I found that to be too much on my legs. I guess I need a good upper body workout like you said. Any suggestions?
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    anything to strengthen those leg muscles!! lunges with weights, mountain climbers, squats, high knees...also, you would be surprised to find out that a strong core really helps with running! do sit ups, planks and oblique crunches...those will really help too. plenty of stretching is of course, a necessity as well! :D
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    NOTHING. REST. Do nothing...read a book....hang out with friends.

    You get stronger in BETWEEN the workouts when your body recovers from the stress you've put it under during the actual exercise sessions. C25K has specific rest periods built in to allow for this recovery to take place so that you can progress and do the next session with maximum effort.

    Looking for an additoinal or different kind of workout to do in between your set program is backwards thinking and overytraining.

    If you want to do strength training...do it on the same day as your C25K runs.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I tried searching for this particular question, but did not come up with anything. I even searched a few different variations of the question so forgive me if its been asked before.

    What does everyone do exercise-wise on their off days of running? I am on week 4 of C25K and need some ideas for workouts that would help aid me while running. I typically run 4 days of the week, but need something to do on my down days. I have been doing pilates as well as walking a brisk pace for about 2 miles. Its worked out really well but I am getting bored.

    So what do you do on your off days? Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. :heart:

    Guys at the local truck stop.


    OP, I do Bob Harper's Inside Out Method Cardio Conditioning DVD. If you do the full workout it's an hour long. I am fairly fit and I can't even do the full hour without *almost* passing out -- I go up to about 45 minutes and quit(and I run...A LOT). It'll be the best $10 you spend. I'm kind of addicted to exercising so I also add a few other workouts in - walking, etc.

    Also, core work? I Bellydance. All self taught and do it about 3x a week along with situps (situps are a daily though). It's fun, too. If you have cable check out Exercise TV's Shimmy. It teaches you all the basics. I go saturdays to a regular class though now that I can do it on my own.
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    I am also on week 4 of c25k :). I do yoga 2xs a week and run 3-4. Strength training would be best for off days, although I can't get to a gym bc of my baby. You can also try dvs like jillian michaels or just walk.
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    circuit training helps with upper and lower body
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Pilates is good. If you enjoy that, try yoga. The benefits of yoga to other exercise are myriad.

    Do you have access to an elliptical? Also, some strength training, balance ball, rollerblading, swimming ....

    Pretty much anything! Maybe get involved in a team sport.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    You can try lower impact machines like the elliptical, stair master, arc trainer, bike, etc.
    Or you can do yoga, pilates, ab workouts.
    Orrrrr, you can do some lifts.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    I do Zumba on my days off. :) Its a great cardio workout but it really uses different muscles than running. I also weight train upper body one day, lower body the next. Make sure to take at least one day completely off a week! It really is important to give your body a chance to rest and relax. :smile:
  • dannylives
    dannylives Posts: 611
    Leg Extensions? Riding a bike? Foam Rolling?
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i alternate my running days with lifting.

    I generally do 20 minutes on the stairmaster just to tone my glutes and get me warmed up then I'll use free weights or the bar to target the main muscle groups:


    I mix up the type of exercise I do frequently and increase the weights as well so that I dont plateau. Kettle balls are supposed to be awesome and thats what I'm gonna try this week.

    The lifting on my days off has helped tremendously with my running and overall strength. I also mix up my runs to include easy run, speed or tempo run, long run, and a medium run each week. I dont do c25k but I use runnersworld.com for my half marathon training.

    Good luck!
  • Shutterpillar
    Egger - not even walking? I just like to keep myself moving... I feel sluggish and usually get a headache if I sit around all day without exercise of some sort.

    Thank you everyone. :smile: To whoever asked (sorry, I dont remember your name!) I dont have access to an elliptical. I wish I did... I would love a gym membership, but thats not something we can afford right now. Thats why I love running so much. Its free, and it makes me feel amazing.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I do a variety of things on my "off run" days... body/balance ball with hand weights, spin bike, Wii Active... whatever sounds good and will keep me moving. I'm trying for more strength training to not only help with the running, but hoping to tone up a bit too.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Egger - not even walking? I just like to keep myself moving... I feel sluggish and usually get a headache if I sit around all day without exercise of some sort.

    Thank you everyone. :smile: To whoever asked (sorry, I dont remember your name!) I dont have access to an elliptical. I wish I did... I would love a gym membership, but thats not something we can afford right now. Thats why I love running so much. Its free, and it makes me feel amazing.

    You can do cardio every day, unless you're totally burned out. It won't hurt you or your progress. If you're weight training, you're supposed to give muscle groups rest between days (so you can do abs one day, arms the next, etc.).

    I find that especially if I'm sore, some light cardio (like walking) eases the soreness.

    A lot of people have very archaic ideas about exercise and diet that aren't really based on reality but rather what they're "heard" from people who aren't necessarily the most educated on the subject. That includes a lot of personal trainers. You'd be surprised how little education is needed to become one (at least in the US).

    There's nothing wrong with taking a day off if you feel you need or want to, though.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Egger - not even walking? I just like to keep myself moving... I feel sluggish and usually get a headache if I sit around all day without exercise of some sort.

    Walking and such is fine, as would be general household activities and such. You can alternately do a lower intensity flexibilty workout, or some core stability exercises. I wasn't suggesting you simply sit on the couch and eat bon-bons.

    I've simply seen a majority of people on here who might do C25K on one day, then P90X the next, and then Intensity on top of that....thinking that it's all about the maximal calorie burn that brings results rather than giving their bodies time to recovery between workouts. All that places them in the category of Overtraining.

    Even professional athletes train every other day and follow a specific program that includes ample rest time to recover between workouts.

    For what it's worth...I've had numerous clients obtain Twice the results by actually working out Less than they originally were in their own workouts....and instead....working out smarter with ample time to recover between sessions.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    - Weight lifting
    - Yoga
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    - Weight lifting
    - Yoga

    Exactly what I use to do too.
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    I agree with Egger29...rest is VERY important. If you're doing C25k, you're either relatively new to running or getting back into the swing of it...either way, your legs, joints, tendons, bones, etc. all need the rest. Running is not easy and it takes a long time for your body to get used to it. If you go out too hard, too fast, you'll get hurt...I speak from experience.

    I do support the lifting on running days, I'm finding a lot of success from lifting. Happy to suggest a program if you're interested.