Looking for book recommendations..

I'm looking for a good book to learn about food and what your body needs and why and what it does and all that good stuff. LOL I'd like something that is a little easier to read than a textbook though....Any suggestions?


  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Nobody, really? =P
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Jillian Michaels "Master Your Metabolism" is popular, and relatively new so the information seems to be more current than some of the others. I don't want to suggest anything promoting a certain diet and lifestyle, like low carb, vegetarian/vegan, low fat and so on, so my best advice would be to spend some time browsing in the nutrition section of a local bookstore. :smile:
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    The thing is, everybody has a gimmick. Most books are promoting the author's philosophy and there is a ton of mis-information out there.

    I like Michael Pollan: "The Omnivore's Dilemna" and "Food Rules." Andrew Weil: "8 Weeks to Optimun Health." John Mcdougal: The Mcdougal Program." Alicia Silverstone wrote an amazing book: "The Kind Diet."

    These are just my personal faves.

    Most of these stress a plant-based diet for health and are not quick weight-loss fixes, though the weight will come off eventually.

    Good luck to you! :smile: and support your local bookstore, great idea Silverkittycat!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    The cancer prevention diet book(most macrobiotics but easier to follow than a longer textbook which you can resource in areas you want additional info on) has a strong list of foods and what they do for our body. You have to surf around info on animal protein and its debates over if it does or does not cause or promote cancer cell growth or not but on a separate measure it goes over some of the benefits of a lot of great foods. I figure food that has the least alterations is going to be good. Therefore all fresh fruit and veggies are good. But even some of those can have less than desired effects if its not in moderation.

    I also really liked Natalia Rose's books. Not necessarily for a total life long lifestyle of eating but its great to go back to the roots of food every now and then and aim for that and detox some of modern societies effects on food. The Raw Food Life Force Energy seemed to have a lot of break down of specific foods and their usefulness to body.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I learned some helpful things from "YOU on a diet" Im not a fan of meal plans and specific diets, but it explained how your brain works with your stomach. I am not much of a reader either. So for me to keep my attention on it was pretty rare. Thats the only book I have read about nutrition, diet and exercise though.