Newbie :)

Hey everyone!

So I'm not new to weight-loss but I am new to MFP and forums. I have colitis and a couple years ago I was on prednisone for about 2-3 yrs which had A LOT to do with my weight gain. I've been off prednisone for about 3 years now and I've been trying to shed the 60 lb gain. I managed for a while to loose 15 lbs but then of course one day I got side tracked and just stopped. So here I am ready to finally shed this beast lol.

I think my main problem with exercising is ... *thought process* Would I rather play TS3 or on my XBOX or would I rather go walk on the elliptical .... hmm decisions... lol. That is actually where MFP came into picture for me. I was searching for an app that would allow me to count my calories and message me when I didn't log them and I found it!! Seriously if you don't have the feature set up to message you a reminder you need to go do it now lol!! GO lol!!!

Well I hope everyone has success in there loss!! Add me if you want a exercise or food buddy :smile: