
I am kinda new to this site. I have been on here for about a month. Totally addicted to this website, on it like 10 times a day whether it's checking out new recipes or seeing what I can eat. I am a mother of 2 -22 month old girl and 5 month old boy. I'm on track for as far as losing weight, I have lost 38lbs since I had my last baby. But I am looking for some encouragement when you get off track, or anyone that needs positive feedback too. Like I said I'm kinda new to this this so still trying to figure out how everything works... Lol


  • shelbobi
    shelbobi Posts: 18
    I'm rather new too. I swear this is the only reason I come online. Addiction would be an understatement. Feel free to add me if you want some motivation and support!!! :)