not losing pounds, help?



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    thanks for all the advice guys, and apologies for bringing up the start of that long argument. Some really helpful advice on here, and i actually started jogging today too. Perseverance seems to be the key here, and i can't give up, even if it takes me a year, i'm gunna make it :) thanks again! x

    You know, with this attitude you are halfway there already :smile:
    Keep persevering and you will be posting in "success stories" before you know it!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I've tried WW (I was starving all the time and had wicked headaches), I've tried Adkins (I wanted to puke from all the protein), I've tried Jenny (tastes like crap). This is my final option. I only joined MFP 2 weeks ago. Before was counting calories on my own.
    I know I want to be fit, and I'm not focusing on a pant size, but weighing almost 200 lbs isn't fit by a long shot. I'm just frustrated from eating food I hate, and working out everyday and seeing almost ZERO results.
    Forgot to mention I live in a house where everyone is extremely thin. My oldest son is on a "get fat" diet, because he's 13 and weighs 65 lbs at 5'2. So I have to constantly make my food separately from the families.
    Today, I don't even want to eat at all. Yesterday, the same. Food is becoming my enemy, and I don't want that.

    Sorry, losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks is NOT zero results! You're supposed to lose 1 pound a week. That's the healthy way, and studies show that's how you'll keep it off, for good. This is a very negative attitude to take towards this process! You have a lifetime of healthy living ahead of you, so make it a lifestyle for good. If you hate the foods you're eating, be creative and search for recipes to try. Make it interesting, challenge yourself to learn new things and make this work for you. The only person standing in your way is you. I hope you can find a way to make this work for you, it's worth it. Remember, you didn't gain the weight overnight. And it takes twice as long to lose it. So be patient, stay with it, and focus on this time next year. If you lose 1 pound a week for the next year, you'll lose 52 pounds. That's pretty amazing.
  • Markus718
    Markus718 Posts: 6 Member
    In my opinion, your carb count is way to high. Excess carbs cause your body to create more insulin. Excess insulin tells your body to store fat and retain fluids. (......And many other negative things.....)

    Switch things around.... have more protein and less carbs. (Remember that many Low/no fat labelled foods have MORE CARBS.)

    The protein power plan offers a great balance of protein and carbs. It is definitely worth a shot!
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Drinking lots of water has helped me as well and it helps flush out toxins in your body. AT LEAST eight glasses of water a day (this is easy when you are exercising).

    Also, I LOVE my Wii. I switch it up between Just Dance and Just Dance 2 (so much fun and it gets you sweating in about 2-3 songs) and the Wii Fit. It makes exercising fun!

    Good luck!