running whilst pregnant



  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    Yeah, the heart rate measure really is not the standard anymore. It has more to do with making sure you don't over-heat and don't get oxygen deficient. Baby needs a comfy temp and needs oxygen. My understanding is to keep doing what you've been doing, but take the intensity down a notch or two. Listen to your body paying attention to how hot your feel and your breathing. You'll do great! I jogged/walked/swam my first pregnancy and did prenatal yoga and lost all byt 5 pounds of my baby weight (35 lbs) within 2 weeks postpartum (I also breast-fed baby).

    Good luck!
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    Personally, I was afraid to run while pregnant...or do anything too high cardio...I just kept thinking about shaken baby syndrome or the placenta abrupting or something...I know that they say it is all safe if you have been doing it and they have a lot of cushioning in there but better safe than sorry :)
    I do also worry about women who are pregnant falling while exercising...your balance is not the same as when not pregnant and even early on you can become lightheaded so quickly

    Congrats on the pregnancy!!
  • MAduff11
    MAduff11 Posts: 2 Member
    I just found out that I am pregnant, 5 weeks, with our 2nd child. I am planning to run a 5k race on Thanksgiving. I never ran at all during my first pregnancy (or exercised much at all for that matter) and it took a long time for me to get back into shape. I am racing against my mom and their has been a lot of talking within our family about who will win! I am looking forward to racing, but nervous about pushing myself too hard while in my first trimester. I know it is safe to run while pregnant, given that you've already been running regularly (and I have), but can anyone offer any advice that has raced during pregnancy? How can I gauge my intensity to keep the baby safe, but still give a strong effort?
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I ran up until 2 weeks before I delivered. Got the OK from my doc since I was running before getting PG. My pace definitely slowed the further along I got. I think it is a conversation you need to have with your doc.