HELP!!!! Messed up on first day!



  • Kerry5524
    Kerry5524 Posts: 6 Member
    Today was supposed to be a new start, and it was going so well, i'd completed my diary was under my cals and had done exercise too! 427cals exercise and 1467 cals eaten. Then it got to the evening and i dont know what happen i binged like crazy (cake was involved) i dont even dare log as i now how bad it is i deleted today entries as was soo embarrassed. I dont know what happened im fine during the day then later in evening its like i dont know how to stop. How can i change this? what am i doing wrong?

    any advice is welcome


    Oh my god Nikki.....I do exactly the same and feel so bad after. The day is easy but am usually really hungry by the time I get home and think nothing of grabbing a slice of bread before dinner and come the evening it is so easy to snack
    Yes, any advice, hints and tips welcome.
  • *Nikki*
    Wow thankyou for all your encouragement, I was feeling terrible before i posted this (but just has to let it out) and now i feel so much better, i will log everything i ate (however i think my diary is going to stay private until i learn to better lol) And i will try and burn those extra cals during the week. I cant believe how great people are on thie site. thankyou all, i mean it! xx
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    It happens. Maybe you should allot some calories for a treat at the end of the day.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    My advice... Log it. Learn from it. And do better tomorrow. What's done is done, so don't dwell. Tell yourself that you'll "do better tomorrow"... actually DO better. SAY it and DO it.

    Maybe try to gradually reduce the amount of "pleasure" foods you eat rather than attempt to cut them out completely. But for starters, don't make "pleasure" food so accessible. Keep them out of your house. Period. Don't buy them, don't hide them, don't close your eyes and eat them either. :) IMO, gradual changes are far more successful than drastic ones.
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    As everyone says, bite the bullet and log verything, its your record - no-one needs to see it and you can look back in a few weeks and see how you have changed.
    Don't dwell on it, its done, its only one night, and you can restart again tomorrow - more determined:wink: Good luck!
  • *Nikki*
    Just bit the bullett and logged 4500 net eekk thats worse than thought darn cake!!! i cant believe how it makes me feel to see it written out like that, talk about motivation. Cant believe im about to post this but i cant hide from it! I hope that will be the last time I binge like that, Or at last for a long long long time. x
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Well done Nikki, sometimes the hardest thing we can do is be honest with ourselves. x