Help!! Hit a Plateau! !

I lost 15 pounds since starting in May! But for the last 3 weeks I have been the same weight and can't seem to get it to budge. I started going back to the gym and changing up my workouts but still no change. HELP!!


  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    My plateau lasted around 7 weeks,stick with it,dont lose hope and you will see results.
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm at a plateau too. My weight usually goes up a pound or two then comes back down to the same ole 176.4. I go to the gym every other day. Burn around 400-600 calories at the gym. I have no clue. I haven't been this weight for a longgggg time though so I'm accepting it, but still not buying smaller sized clothes. I'm not buying a new wardrobe until it's alllllllllll gone! :bigsmile:
  • JenniferLgsdn
    I was stuck for a while... I would hit one for weeks, drop a pound or two and be right back on one... I decided to increase my calories and that did it. Also, changing up your routine does help as well.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Don't lose motivation! This is my story for the last few weeks as well. :(
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Just finished a week of zig-zagging for that very reason. It often will jump start your metabolism again.

    It's kinda like rocking your car back and forth to get UNstuck- the caloric intake varies for one week- intentionally OVER, then UNDER.
    Here is the site I used to calculated what I should aim for each day- they give Extreme Fat Loss and regular loss, I aimed for somewhere in the middle.

    I weigh in tomorrow to find out if it worked....Stay tuned- haha
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I was stuck for a while... I would hit one for weeks, drop a pound or two and be right back on one... I decided to increase my calories and that did it. Also, changing up your routine does help as well.

    yep i've heard people "zig-zagging" their calories and it's helped.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    How many calories are ya'll eating a day? How many calories are u exercising off? I did increase my calories too and lost 5 lbs fast......I zig zag my calories, but avg 1500 to 1600 a day....I usually work off about 350 to 450 cal 6 days a week. Some days I get to 500 calories. I do not eat back my calories.....You have to be consistant and patient with your body. It WILL come off!! Look at everything very closely and re evaluate things......are you eating enough protein? How much carbs are you eating? You want to get in plenty of protein......

    Good luck!! :happy:
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    My zig zag currently looks like this:'

    Monday/Tuesday 1600 cal
    Wednesday 1800 cal
    Thursday 1400 cal
    Friday 1450
    Saturday 1800
    Sunday 1400

    Hope that helps!! I am at my lowest weight in over a year!! and since High school!!
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    How many calories are ya'll eating a day? How many calories are u exercising off? I did increase my calories too and lost 5 lbs fast......I zig zag my calories, but avg 1500 to 1600 a day....I usually work off about 350 to 450 cal 6 days a week. Some days I get to 500 calories. I do not eat back my calories.....You have to be consistant and patient with your body. It WILL come off!! Look at everything very closely and re evaluate things......are you eating enough protein? How much carbs are you eating? You want to get in plenty of protein......

    Good luck!! :happy:

    I am only allowed 1200 calories on here. I figured that if I go to the gym and burn 500 calories, it's only as if my body took in 700 calories and that puts me into starvation mode, so I have to make sure I get at least 1200 calories, if not more on my gym days. I don't know. :embarassed:
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    This site tells me to eat 1200 cal a day too, but that is not enough for me. I starve at that amount. When I started, needing to lose about 20 lbs, I allowed myself 1400 cal a day, as I have lost and have gotten closer to my goal weight, I have added calories back.....if you are working out on a regular basis, you probably need more calories than 1200 a day.....Maybe increase to 1400 and don't eat back your exercise calories. I try to not eat my exercise calories......
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm also a vegan. I eat too many carbs but fruits and veggies are full of carbs and so aren't the fake meats I eat.