New to MFP and Looking Forward to Progress!

Hi all,

I heard about MFP through another internet site I am part of. It was recommended as a way to track your intake, etc. I have found it extremely easy to use so far (a HUGE plus).

Well I just wanted to introduce myself. I am looking forward to having some before/after pics of my own someday! :D

Edit: I just realized it is probably customary to share your weight-loss history! :P So here's mine:

I used be quite overweight when I was younger. I put on a bunch of weight in middle school for a lot of reasons. During the summer before and my senior year of high school, I lost approximately 50lbs. I was at my smallest and healthiest then at around 130lbs. I looked and felt great! I wasn't even trying to lose weight at the time. I just became more active and the weight/diet adjustments gradually followed. At my peak, I was working out 2 hours every day.

Then college rolled around and with the schedule changes and less free time, the weight came back with a vengeance. I have been yo-yo weighting ever since, which is not good for you (worse than just staying at slightly overweight). I have gained/lost everywhere from 10-30lbs throughout my college career.

I am now 22 in my final year of graduate school and I want to get back on track. I'm currently about 146lbs and 5' 5." Ideally, I would love to go back to 130lbs, but for now I would like to lose 10lbs and KEEP IT OFF. Keeping it off will be the key. I seem to be able to lose, but then I always yo-yo back. :P


  • mellissabee
    mellissabee Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome!!! This is a fabulous site. If you're looking for support there are plenty of great people out there. Feel free to add me.