I need some help with calories !

Originally I thought

" Oh man, Its going to be hard only having 1200-1400 calories a day, thats so few !

And now Im thinking

" HOW am I suppose to eat enough?! "

I'm only making 800-900 a day max, sometimes less..
but I eat 3 meals a day. and even have a snack.

Any tips on how to get a better calorie intake, while not making myself sick by over eating ?


  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    Peanut Butter!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Snack on calorie dense, high nutrient foods, like nuts and seed (think sunflower)
  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    I never thought of nuts!

    I love them, plus they will add some protien.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    oh Power Bar has been my favorite Great for calories and or cliff bars :) But peanut butter is my favorite :) Natural and yummy!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Nuts, milk, peanutbutter.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    If you don't feel sick, if your tummy isn't complaining and if you have energy...DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!

  • Michelle9939
    What are you eating? You need to be eating more than 800 calories a day. Usually I get around 1500 a day.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Any kind of protein works!!! Protein bars, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Almonds.

    Remember Min calories for Men is 1500!
  • Michelle9939
    Click on tools and calculate your BMR.
  • hbarney
    hbarney Posts: 434
    I was having the same problem-actually I still do. I will eat two snacks a day-a cheese stick, part skim, works well for me. I found that when I eat closer to my calories I lose more weight. Good luck!
  • smallerthighs
    Try the South Beach protein meal bars...the chocolate peanut butter ones are extra yummy!!
  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    You can see my diary.

    Like today I had

    - cereal for breakfast
    - bagel with smoked salmon cream cheese for lunch
    - and a hamburger for dinner (no bun however because I had the bagel at lunch)
    - and some chocolate for my craving, but only .5 of the suggested serving amount.

    I should get fruits/veggies in there, but unfortunatly our house is out of both until the next grocery shop.
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    If you don't feel sick, if your tummy isn't complaining and if you have energy...DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!


    We can all agree to disagree on exactly what diet works best for each person, but I hope we can all also agree that it's a fact that we have a minimum calorie requirement just to maintain health and 900 is below that. That you aren't hungry isn't a reliable indicator of whether you need nutrients and calories.
  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    My BMR thing is

    Your estimated BMR is: 2,031 calories/day*

    but I don't even know what that means.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    It all depends on what you are already eating. But yes everyone is right, nuts and nut butters. Try putting natural peanut or almond butter on whole wheat toast. Try Greek yogurt for some calcium and protein. You have to be careful about not eating too few. If you are still under and just need the calories, try more beverages. 2% milk is great for you or you can drink some fruit juices. You just have to be careful because a lot of commercial fruit juice is full of sugar and not much actual fruit.
  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    Thank You everyone for your tips !
    I appreciate it !
  • Michelle9939
    Your BMR is the calories you need to eat to survive. So you need to be eating a lot more than what you are eating. Definitely add fruit and veggies. Are you still hungry? You are basically starving yourself.

    My BMR thing is

    Your estimated BMR is: 2,031 calories/day*

    but I don't even know what that means.
  • Primrose1960
    Primrose1960 Posts: 55 Member
  • Michelle9939
    Try aiming for 500 calories per meal and then two 250 calorie snacks.
  • ssnichole987
    ssnichole987 Posts: 29 Member
    I've been eating granola bars and apples in between meals. They aren't too heavy or calorie packed for one sitting and they leave me hungary again a few hours later for another snack/meal. This works best for me. I usually eat something small about every 2-4 hours and it seems to be working... If you're still having trouble making your min calories, try adding juce or fruit in with your breakfast maybe? That will get you some more calories while adding in some natural vitamins as well.