New to Protrin Shakes. Low carb metabolic drive ok?

What do you guys recommend?


  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    If you are looking for a 100% whey protein shake, why don't you search the internet and contact the companies and find out if they will send you samples? Many of the bariatric surgery patients in my support group have done it and they find it helpful in choosing the company and flavors they like best.

    Lots of us like Costco's Premier 30g Chocolate Shakes that come ready to drink. I bought and enjoyed Bariatric Advantage protein powder in banana and strawberry. It calls for you to add water, but I like to use skim milk and put it in the Magic Bullet. They also have an unflavored power to which you can add fruits for your own flavors. But, there are many, many other companies out there who also provide an unflavored selection. Muscle Milk is also popular with our group and the one time I bought it at 7-11, I liked it too.

    I use the Premier as my breakfast almost every day and it usually carries me through fine until my first snack. I also try to save room for one later in my "day" in case I am dying for a snack and have no carbs left. It will usually fill me up. I say usually because I DO have my days of crazy hunger, but I try practicing "Am I really hungry? Come back later". LOL
  • I feel like I am the queen of protein shakes. If you want powders that you mix up I would suggest you try packs instead of buying the huge jugs. You can get some off line, but I liked GNC's Syntha 6, it wasn't too thick and protein tasting and has plenty of protein. The higher the protein the heavier the taste of course. I liked all the flavors and mixed it with very vanilla soy milk and lots of ice. The trick to protein shakes is drinking them very very cold! For ready made shakes I like Muscle milk light, EAS Shakes, Myoplex light, and if I am out and can't get a hold of much I will grab slimfast!!!

    If you want to friend me and have anymore questions I can help with I will be happy to help you! Good luck,

  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    Oh yeah......don't go over 30 grams because you can only absorb so much protein at once.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I don't know about low metabolic drive, but I love Jay Robb protein shakes- sweetened with stevia, all healthy protein. YUMMY! Expensive but worth it!
  • I LOVE THIS SITE, I also love stevia!!!! I am going to check them out, where do you find those!!!!
  • JohnnyStorm
    JohnnyStorm Posts: 43 Member
    Mostly, I recommend high protein low fat food!

    However, when I am doing heavy weights and am trying to add muscle I like to Phormula-1 with ignition. It's 100% isolated whey using cold microfiltering so it's not damaged by heating. It's broken down into quickly digestible peptides and is taken up quickly with the dextrose in ignition. It's important to take within 30 minutes of my workout or it's really not worth the price and trouble. I experienced a gain of 3lbs of muscle over a 3 week period and will repeat this again in 3 weeks when I cycle back off of my HIIT.

    When I'm doing cardio and HIIT I only use food and TwinLabs BCAA's along with fish oil supplements and daily one caps.