28 yr old 3rd shift truck driver restarted MFP & needs to lo

Hello everyone!

I've been here for 2 years, but just recently decided to "restart" my journey. I need to lose at least 212 lbs to be in the healthy range and I need lots of motivation....My wife has also been here for 2 years, but she started her journey about 3 months before I decided to join and she has lost 57 lbs and she's been trying to help me out. I'll lose a little then it all comes back....

I'm a third shift truck driver and a father to 2 kids, a 7 yr old daughter and 15 month old son. Decemeber 2010, I went to my doctor to have a physical done and get on health plan from him, and ended up being sent to the hosptial and found out I had atrial fibrillation (a-fib), I'm on medication for it and during the time I was in the hospital, I lost 20 lbs and kept it off, but slowly it is starting to come back, due to me making some bad choices, but I want to start making the right ones, and with that I need some help.

Please feel free to add me as a friend and help motivate me, so I can be around for my wife and kids.


  • mrmurfman
    i sent a request just dont give up
  • Imahottmess
    I work 4 12 hr shifts between 2 hospitals. I know how hard it can be to lose weight on the night shift. But where there's a will, there's a way. Just gotta start with baby steps and go from there. You can get frustrated, but don't give up.
  • jph1282
    jph1282 Posts: 7 Member
    I should have noted in the above post, my schedule consists of being gone from like 9pm-11am, then when I come home, I eat lunch with my wife and our son, and then its time for bed, til around 6pm-7pm, and then do it all over again. Weekends are hard too, I work Monday night into Saturday morning/afternoon, depending on start time....so sunday is the only free day, I have. we try to go to the y monday mornings....
  • Imahottmess
    Try not to eat before you go to bed, or if you do just eat something light. I know it's hard. It was a habit I had to break. Now I eat 2 hours before I leave work and consider that breakfast. When I get up I eat lunch, then dinner at work. I have small snacks in between. You have to train yourself to do this. It's hard at first, but you get in a routine and it becomes second nature. I also try to go to the gym for at least 30 mintues after I get off from work, or I go for an hour before work. Just depends on how much sleep I have gotten that day.
    I should have noted in the above post, my schedule consists of being gone from like 9pm-11am, then when I come home, I eat lunch with my wife and our son, and then its time for bed, til around 6pm-7pm, and then do it all over again. Weekends are hard too, I work Monday night into Saturday morning/afternoon, depending on start time....so sunday is the only free day, I have. we try to go to the y monday mornings....
  • jgraham7882
    I'm right there with ya pal expect i run both days and nights depending on the load here are couple tips i have been using in the truck so far my meals are breakfast (light meal) lunch( heavy meal ) dinner (light) i do it this for the fact my heaviest dinner will be at my mid day point along with 2 waters half when you start eating,and remainder of the water while you eat and eat slowly for the next 20.00 mind while eating any meal you eat less and enjoy the food better this