No Endurance...



  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    Walking is great, but if you want to get running than I suggest going back to week one of C25k and repeating that until you are comfortable with those run intervals. (I took three weeks to move on from week one, them two weeks on week two).Then go to week 2 and don't move on until you are ok there.

    And I know you say you are going slow, but try going slower still!
    I run really slowly but have managed to build up my endurance over about 7 months.
    And bumping up your carbs before a run is worth a try too.

    Good luck!

    I agree with this advice. Walking is great for improving your endurance and comfort overall, but I think the only thing to improve your running endurance is plugging away at the running intervals. Even when you're running slowly (even ridiculously so) that will push your running endurance. It just takes a good bit of time to build a comfortable running base.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    I too agree with what the above poster said.

    Walking IS great for building general endurance - but it just does not put strain on your muscle and tendons the way running does. So if you want more endurance running you should run.

    There is no shame in repeating a certain week in a running program due to lack of endurance. It's your body telling you it can't keep up and going faster may just set you up for injury.

    If you feel like you can't run for 5 minutes then stick at the 3 minutes for a week or two (pr three or four.....) more, and maybe put in some extra intervals of 3 minutes over the weeks if you feel you are not being challenged enough.

    And while you say you are running very slowly, just remember that you are way faster than the ones that stayed on the couch.
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    I've also been having problems getting through week 3 of C25K. I've been told that if you take anytime off from running, just picking back up where you left off is impractical. So if you have to repeat a few earlier weeks in the program, it doesn't reflect on you or your success. The important aspects are that you are up and moving AND you are trying. So don't be too hard on yourself. My issue is fighting bad knees, but wanting to run. So be nice to yourself and listen to your body.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    If you want to get better at running, then you need to run. As others have said, walking lots isnt the same thing.
    Have you heard of Gu? You can get them at sports stores and stuff. Its just a liquid carb shot. Something like that or even a few jelly beans while you are running might help with the tired feeling you are getting?
    Keep plugging away, you will get there :)