Habitual Grazer new to MFP!!!

Hello all! After a shopping event two weeks ago with a size two Italian woman who complained of being fat, I was finally fed up with my size 12 body. I have been logging on all week and have been jogging/walking a 5K every night. I am 6ft tall and weigh 180lbs (wow, I can't believe I actually wrote that out...its like saying it out loud and actually acknowledging how far I have to go). My goal is to be a size eight or weigh 158 lbs by the end of November. If I reach this goal, I am not only going shopping, I am having a photo shoot done to capture my success. I have come across two problems: I will graze all day at work, which means I will make excuses to go by a desk that has candy sitting in that oh-so-tempting little glass jar, and I also have portion control issues. This week has been really eye-opening while actully logging everything I eat...(that little candy jar, which I now call the "seventh circle of hell" made an appearance on my food tracker NINE TIMES in one day...ugh, it was again a very eye-opening experience to see what I actually put in my mouth all day long).

So I am looking for some great advice (and sarcastic humor) to help with these issues I am having. All thoughts are appreciated!