new to site

Reading every ones post it makes me feel like i can do this because there are so many people out there that is going through the same thing i am i need to lose 100+ pounds and it makes me feel really good to know that so many of you have lost and are on your way to reach your goal weight so there is hope for me :smile:


  • wilkinsclan07
    I'm new to the site, as well. My friend, Alecia, hipped me to this site. I've been dieting on and off for years and nothing seems to stick. My sister and I are yo-yo dieters and it's time to find something that works!! Good luck on your weight loss journey! :happy:
  • lisakilian
    lisakilian Posts: 3 Member
    Yes this site has helped me be accountable for what I eat. I still eat all the same foods I used to- well almost all- I just chose to go whole grain wheat, and little bit of low fat, and watch those portions! I have decided I get one portion (as reccommended on the box) and then if I am still full then I need to have an 8 oz glass of water and a fruit or veggie- If I am still hungry after that- which I am usually not then I can have 1 more 1/2 serving. I started at 218 and my goal is 150. I wish you the best of luck and just as a side note- everyone has rough days and the chocolate gets the best of them- I have had some of my own and that doesnt mean failure it just dares you to do better tomorrow! Good Luck!