I will succeed. For my son.

Hello all,

Great site here, and I'm glad to have joined. I am 31 years old, and I am a happily married father to the most awesome 2 year old in the world.

10 years ago, I was a single guy in college who weighed roughly the same as I do right now. I realized that losing weight would greatly increase my chances of dating. Thanks to an incredible fitness facility that was free to students, I lost over 80 pounds and saw the scale dip below the 200 mark. It was the most amazing feeling, and my dating life definitely opened up after losing all that weight. Then I met "The One". We got married, and I started getting comfortable with myself. I didn't work out hardly at all anymore. I discovered a tremendous love of cooking (and therefore, eating) and now I've ballooned back up to nearly my original weight.

I see the scale and I'm so angry at myself for allowing this to happen. Especially now that I have a child in my life. I am his superhero, but I feel like such a failure. And I do not want to keel over before he reaches many more milestones in his life. I've tried gaining back that spark in the past, the spark that led me to believe that girls don't like fat guys. And I've failed. But the spark I've found for me now exists in a smiling two-year old who loves running up and down the driveway, chasing Daddy, giggling all the while.

For him, I will succeed. My goals may be a bit optimistic, but I know that I am fully capable of doing this. I've done it before and will absolutely do it again.

Thanks again for a great board. I look forward to talking with many of you along my journey.


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Welcome. You will find lots of support here! Don't be afraid to read the FAQs/sticky threads and if you have any questions, the search function is really helpful, and so are the posters on this site.

    Enjoy and best of luck!
  • smallerthighs
    Your son is proud of you, and loves you no matter what you weigh...he's lucky to have a father that cares so much. Much success and happiness to you and your family!!!
  • Egilley
    Egilley Posts: 9 Member
    He is going to be worth all of the hard work. I am certain. Someday, when your son is graduating from high school, you will certainly look back and thank yourself over and over again that you made this decision to get healthy for him. Someday, when you're holding your grandchild in your arms, you will be so grateful that you took the time and energy to improve your health.

    It will all be worth it.