Wow - Reality Check Today at the Gym



  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I need to say something. I don't post a lot here, I am still sort of new (about 2.5 months). But your encouragement, each and every one of you, has me in tears. Really. My husband is super fit and I have let myself go. It is so upsetting to feel like, how did I let myself get to this place? I quit smoking on January 1st and gained 20 pounds rapidly. To get it off, plus the other 25 or so pounds I want to get off, seems impossible. But all of you are inspirations. I just keep plugging away, doing what I am doing, and praying that I see results. It's funny that I am now sobbing because today was the first day in forever that I actually came down in weight (which I attribute to more water and an additional day working out each week). Thank you all so much for the support, I appreciate it very much:heart:
  • SeeMeShrinkDown
    Inside all she really wants is a cupcake. Truly.

    Maybe she wants it, but chooses not to, hence, the reason why she is small. If a derogatory remark was made like this toward a heavy person ("if she wouldn't eat that extra cupcake..."), then all heck would come down on that person, right? Yet, remarks like this get a pass. Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

    The gym is for everyone, heavy, normal, slim. Everyone deserves to be healthy regardless of their size!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    need a self esteem boost? I'll come stand beside you on the other treadmill. LOL Seriously... there is much to be said about perspective. Although you would really like to be in her shoes... there are many that would like to be in yours.

    ME!!! I want to be in her shoes!!! 175 is my goal weight!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I need to say something. I don't post a lot here, I am still sort of new (about 2.5 months). But your encouragement, each and every one of you, has me in tears. Really. My husband is super fit and I have let myself go. It is so upsetting to feel like, how did I let myself get to this place? I quit smoking on January 1st and gained 20 pounds rapidly. To get it off, plus the other 25 or so pounds I want to get off, seems impossible. But all of you are inspirations. I just keep plugging away, doing what I am doing, and praying that I see results. It's funny that I am now sobbing because today was the first day in forever that I actually came down in weight (which I attribute to more water and an additional day working out each week). Thank you all so much for the support, I appreciate it very much:heart:

    Your very welcome! This is a great place to post your frustrations and get a new perspective on your journey. That is half of what MFP is here for.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Then a woman next to me got on and entered in her weight, and she weighed 105 pounds. Oh. My. God. I grew up as a small girl, and here I am, at age 42, weighing 70 pounds MORE than the woman on the treadmill next to me. I couldn't believe that I could be so fat that I weighed 70 pounds more than ANYONE.

    CONFESSION: sometimes I record my weight as 120 on the machines and i'm actually 130 hahaha because I hate when people peak on my machine, so i donno why i do it lol, but i just do! it's like lying on my drivers license weight :P
    but also it gives you a lower estimate for calories burned
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    What is a 105 pound person doing at the gym in the first place??? Was she short??
    To stay at 105! People who are in shape at a gym, go there to stay in shape.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I do personal training 3 days a week (was doing 2 days a week until about 2 weeks ago and decided to step it up). After I was finished, my trainer told me to jump on the treadmill and do a half mile as fast as I could, trying for 4 minutes. I did it in 4.5, and I was dying, lol :)

    So I get on the TM and enter in my weight and speed to start at. Then a woman next to me got on and entered in her weight, and she weighed 105 pounds. Oh. My. God. I grew up as a small girl, and here I am, at age 42, weighing 70 pounds MORE than the woman on the treadmill next to me. I couldn't believe that I could be so fat that I weighed 70 pounds more than ANYONE.

    On top of it all, I have been doing the personal training and following my calories on this site for more than 2 months with almost no change. Today I actually came down 1.5 pounds after stagnating for almost 2 months.

    I guess I have no idea how fat I really am, that I could possibly weigh 70 pounds more than another woman. It was a very, very depressing realization.
    If you're not getting results, either your food is off or your trainer isn't training you correctly. Let me're doing "core" training?
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    That little of a change in your body in 2 months is staggering. I'd try switching up my diet completely, keep working. Results will come.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    What is a 105 pound person doing at the gym in the first place??? Was she short??
    To stay at 105! People who are in shape at a gym, go there to stay in shape.

    Or maybe to gain weight? I don't think this is an even comparison. No one knows where on her journey she was. Was she a different height than you? or muscle to fat ratio? or she could even have been a really unhealthy skinny person -- starving herself and trying to work off the little that she had?

    A lot of people are embarrassed about their weight whether they're skinny, normal, overweight, obese, etc. I have a coworker that is very underweight and can't seem to gain weight and she flat out hates it. She doesn't know what it feels like to have a little meat on her so we made a pact together that we'd work on her gaining 10 lbs of healthy body mass and on me losing 10 lbs of body fat.

    All you can do is love your body because it's yours. You're working hard at making it reflect how you feel. You were built as you not as any other women - time to own it and realize that it's beautiful in its own way. =]
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    What is a 105 pound person doing at the gym in the first place??? Was she short??
    To stay at 105! People who are in shape at a gym, go there to stay in shape.

    Or maybe to gain weight? I don't think this is an even comparison. No one knows where on her journey she was. Was she a different height than you? or muscle to fat ratio? or she could even have been a really unhealthy skinny person -- starving herself and trying to work off the little that she had?

    A lot of people are embarrassed about their weight whether they're skinny, normal, overweight, obese, etc. I have a coworker that is very underweight and can't seem to gain weight and she flat out hates it. She doesn't know what it feels like to have a little meat on her so we made a pact together that we'd work on her gaining 10 lbs of healthy body mass and on me losing 10 lbs of body fat.

    All you can do is love your body because it's yours. You're working hard at making it reflect how you feel. You were built as you not as any other women - time to own it and realize that it's beautiful in its own way. =]

    Wish I could hit the "Like" button on this comment!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Going to the gym is really hard for me for just this reason. I can't stand to see those tiny women and realize that I am quite literally twice their weight. It's hard. But you have to focus on yourself, and what you like when you look in the mirror. Hating your body won't make losing weight any easier. Love your body enough to move towards your goals at a pace that suits you, instead of constantly comparing.