New as well. Motivation? No needles!

Long story short: spent the first part of my life coping with anorexia. The last few years, I finally gain a bit of weight that put me in a healthier space. No more waking up with bruises, more energy & able to have children. Hard to keep weight well pregnant but managed to gain on average 16 pounds with each & all were around 8 lbs. Lost the weight immediately & then had to work hard to keep a good weight going while breastfeeding.

Raising kids kept me busy, in shape & at a weight that was healthy but with no "pudge".

Two years ago, started feeling extremely tired, my hair was getting thin & I started to gain weight in places I've never had weight before (breasts, arms, legs, tummy). Joined our local gym & got in to shape but the weight kept creeping on.

Diagnosed with hypothyrodism on June 20th. The drug I was prescribed was too much at first, which put me into hyperthyrodism. And believe it or not, instant menopause, a shock for me as I had no warning & was still experiencing a regular 28 day cycle & ovulating on time each month. It's been 8 weeks, no period, no ovulation & blood tests reveal complete menopause. Sad that our chances of having one more baby have completely disappeared, without warning.

Concerned about continued weight gain. Appointment with a chronic disease specialist today, who decided on top of this new path that I am also pre-diabetic. I've been working so hard for years & probably was anorexic because I was so scared of developing diabetes (runs in my family). Gave birth to all our kids without drugs because I hate needles so much. And now I'm going down this path.

Docs don't think my 30 pound weight gain is a concern because I was so thin to begin with. But to me, it feels huge & so uncomfortable. I now have to wear a bra & clothes that hung on me now are stuffed away in my closet while I get used to bigger sizes. Sounds crazy but I don't actually want to be that thin again just comfortable in the body I now have. They tell me once the meds settle my symptoms, I'll lose the weight. Hmmm.

Convinced to use this site today while getting used to a diabetic diet, with the idea that this will help slow the possibility of developing diabetes all together. Hoping it works!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!