Any suggestions for HIPS / THIGHS

LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I am big all over, but I am the type to carry my weight lots like a spare tire.
(see pics on profile)
so between my ribs and knees = LOTS OF EXTRA.

Id love to find some excersizes to get that area losing.
I have a pinched sciatic nerve (goes from back to your toe on each leg)
And losing the weight from that area will relieve A LOT of pressure for me and pain!

So any ideas on excersizes for these problem areas ?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    I am big all over, but I am the type to carry my weight lots like a spare tire.
    (see pics on profile)
    so between my ribs and knees = LOTS OF EXTRA.

    Id love to find some excersizes to get that area losing.
    I have a pinched sciatic nerve (goes from back to your toe on each leg)
    And losing the weight from that area will relieve A LOT of pressure for me and pain!

    So any ideas on excersizes for these problem areas ?
    You can't spot reduce any area with exercise. But certain exercises are good at boosting metabolism and working the largest muscles of your body hard will help. Squats, bent over rows, deadlifts and pull ups (assisted if you need to) are some of the best compound exercises you can do.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    m elliptical has done wonders for my mid section. I was finally able to wear shorts without feeling embarrassed about the cottage cheese effect on my legs...but i digress...the elliptical also helped me tone up my hips, but i only lost fat on one side. it looks a bit off, but i lost it so I am not complaining. Also speed walking is great for the mid section. I usually walk the graveyard near my house. No crazy drivers and nobody really looks at ya funny if u wiggle ur butt when ur walking :wink:
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    You got the curves* in the right places, with diet and exercise if should all slim out. Later toning will help tighten you up.
  • lframent
    lframent Posts: 33
    As ninerbuff said, there is no such thing as spot-losing.

    It sounds like you want to burn fat and tone up? If so, do some sort of cardio every day. Cardio will help rid excess fat, while strength training will help with toning up problem areas. If you have access to a treadmill or elliptical machine, you could do 20 minutes on that - if not, go au naturale and go for a short run outside. There are some inexpensive but really beneficial workout DVDs out there, as well! Anything to get your heart rate up is good: heart rate up = fat-burning.

    Either before or after your cardio (I prefer before because I feel I perform better in a strength routine BEFORE a cardio workout), you can do your strength training. Also as ninerbuff said: squats, bent-over rows, deadlifts, and pull-ups are really great exercises to work a couple of muscle groups at a time.

    Here is my weekly workout, for a sampling or ideas of what you might like to do:

    Sunday is my low-key or rest day, so I do two walks around my neighbourhood with my puppy (two 10-minute walks, morning and night).

    Monday - Friday
    - 3-mile loop OR a 30-minute elliptical circuit as my cardio (more if I feel particularly good about it that day)
    - 1 plank holding as long as possible, 2x
    - 5 push-ups, 2x (this doesn't sound like much, but being someone who can barely do ten quality push-ups, I've had great results come of this)

    As far as strength training goes, I focus on different muscles each day.

    Monday (lower body and core)
    - 20 squats*
    - 20 lunges*
    - 25 deadlifts*
    - 40 crunches
    - 40 reverse curls

    Tuesday (upper body)
    - 15-20 addition push-ups (split into however many sets you need to)
    - 20 chest-presses*
    - 20 chair dips
    - 40 bicep curls*

    Wednesday (upper body)
    - 25 jumping jacks*
    - 20 lateral raises*
    - 40 front raises*
    - 20 shoulder presses*

    Thursday (lower body and core)
    - 30 donkeys
    - 20 chair squats
    - 20 pelvic lifts
    - 40 oblique twists

    Friday (miscellaneous)
    - one POP Pilates video of my choice (search POP Pilates on youtube)
    - any additional training I feel is necessary

    SmartCardio elliptical intervals:
    1. Warmup: 3 - 5 minutes gradually increasing from easy to moderate intensity.
    2. Exert at maximum effort and speed for 45 seconds.
    3. Recover for 90 seconds.
    4. Repeat numbers 2 and 3, ten times.
    5. Cooldown: 3 minutes gradually decreasing from moderate to easy intensity.
    6. Stretch!
    Butt-Busting Hill Repeats:
    1. Warmup: 3 - 5 minutes gradually increasing from easy to moderate intensity.
    2. Increase elliptical's resistance to moderate (anywhere from 6 - 10). For two minutes, push yourself at a hard intensity.
    3. Decrease resistance and recover for 1 minute.
    4. Repeat numbers 2 and 3 four times (adjust to fit you personally).
    5. Cooldown: 3 - 5 minutes gradually decreasing from moderate to easy intensity.
    6. Stretch!

    Exercises marked with a * are ones you can complete with free weights (hand weights).

    Good-luck, girl! Hope all's well. x
  • the treadmill got my legs looking great i even got a complement from my boyfriend at the time.
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