Why am I not losing weight!?!

I signed up with MFP 3 weeks ago. First week lost 3, 2nd week lost 3.....I had my 3rd weigh in today and GAINED 1.7 pounds where I'm supposed to be losing 2 pounds per week. I started back to running 3 weeks ago and have been running 3 times per week about 35 minutes each time. I also started weight lifting again and not just the 5lb dumbbells - although it's not much, my leg presses are at 200lb, bench press 80lb, overhead shoulder press 60lbs, dead lifting 100lb etc...so you get the idea that I'm not just "enjoying" myself at the gym. I don't want to hear that I'm gaining muscle - according to all the research I've done I don't have enough testosterone to build that much muscle in such a short period of time. I've been eating back ONLY my exercise calories but now wondering if I should be avoiding this?? I know starvation mode is not where I want my body to be but seriously, if I'm still consuming 1400 calories a day that's hardly starving....right?? If anyone could shed some light on this it would be VERY appreciated!


  • chickenpoppa
    chickenpoppa Posts: 207 Member
    I would like the answer to that too:-)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    don't avoid eating back your exercise calories..

    it won't come off 'exactly' the right way every single week.. if will overall go down throughout the months.. *patience* :):)

    some weeks, i didn't lose.. some weeks, i gained.. but my overall progress was a healthier, more fit me :) and 35 lbs lighter!

    just takes time. you got this! :)
  • bhagavatilad1
    Give yourself some more time nobody loses weight constantly at first you probably just lost alot of water retention. You are eating fine and you should be netting 500 calories after exercising.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'd guess water retention. I'd also guess that weight loss is an inexact science, and just because you want to lose 2 pounds a week doesn't mean your body will listen every time. Gains happen, losses happen. There are, quite frankly, a million reasons why. Body weight can fluctuate 5 pounds up or down in a single 24 hour period. It's the way the body works. If you're strength training, and (I can't see your diary so I can't say for certain) if your sodium intake is a bit high, then you are most likely retaining water. Your muscles require a LOT of water to repair themselves, and they tend to hang onto it for a while. Don't sweat one week. Life goes on. I've been averaging 2.8 pounds a week lost since April, yet this week I only lost 0.8 pounds. It happens. Sometimes I lose 4 pounds, sometimes I gain a pound back. If it was easy and automatic, nobody would be overweight.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    More than likely your muscles are holding on to extra water because you've been working them extra hard. Sometimes that will be the case for 1-2 weeks and then BAM I'll start losing again...very quickly. Give it some time... Good luck!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Give yourself some more time nobody loses weight constantly at first you probably just lost alot of water retention. You are eating fine and you should be netting 500 calories after exercising.

    Um, no. You should never be netting only 500 calories. You should never net less than 1200. Most likely more.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    don't avoid eating back your exercise calories..

    it won't come off 'exactly' the right way every single week.. if will overall go down throughout the months.. *patience* :):)

    some weeks, i didn't lose.. some weeks, i gained.. but my overall progress was a healthier, more fit me :) and 35 lbs lighter!

    just takes time. you got this! :)

    I concur.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Give yourself some more time nobody loses weight constantly at first you probably just lost alot of water retention. You are eating fine and you should be netting 500 calories after exercising.

    you should NOT be netting 500 calories after exercising.
    NET = at LEAST 1200-1300
  • adventuring
    Give yourself some more time nobody loses weight constantly at first you probably just lost alot of water retention. You are eating fine and you should be netting 500 calories after exercising.

    Um, no. You should never be netting only 500 calories. You should never net less than 1200. Most likely more.

    I think they probably misspoke and mean she'll still have a deficit of 500, like you're supposed to.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I signed up with MFP 3 weeks ago. First week lost 3, 2nd week lost 3.....I had my 3rd weigh in today and GAINED 1.7 pounds where I'm supposed to be losing 2 pounds per week. I started back to running 3 weeks ago and have been running 3 times per week about 35 minutes each time. I also started weight lifting again and not just the 5lb dumbbells - although it's not much, my leg presses are at 200lb, bench press 80lb, overhead shoulder press 60lbs, dead lifting 100lb etc...so you get the idea that I'm not just "enjoying" myself at the gym. I don't want to hear that I'm gaining muscle - according to all the research I've done I don't have enough testosterone to build that much muscle in such a short period of time. I've been eating back ONLY my exercise calories but now wondering if I should be avoiding this?? I know starvation mode is not where I want my body to be but seriously, if I'm still consuming 1400 calories a day that's hardly starving....right?? If anyone could shed some light on this it would be VERY appreciated!
    Water and glycogen retention from working out. Not uncommon and totally natural. Keep working out, it will subside.
  • aldavis55
    There are a lot of things that factor in....Do you ever get your bodyfat % tested? You could be gaining weight, but are you losing bodyfat? Losing bodyfat is more important that the scale weight. Bodyfat % determines if you are lean, ideal, average, or obese. How are your clothes fitting? Have you lost inches? If you can say yes to these things then you are on the right track. As far as I am concerned you need to focus on how you look not what the scale reads and how many inches you have lost coupled with the % of bodyfat lost.

    If you haven't changed your gym routine up and are doing basically the samething all of the time your body will hit a plateau and you won't see results anymore, so you should be changing your routine up about every 3 weeks.

    If you would like some products that are designed to help weight loss while maintaining your muscle I can get you some information if you are interested! You will see drastic results and be able to maintain it, I have helped a lot of individuals reach their health/fitness goals!
  • Sandy198744
    It could also be that you put on extra muscle weight. Muscle's weigh more that what fat does. What part of your menstrual cycle you are in and how much water you are drinking compared to your water loss i.e sweat. I have also found in mine the difference of having a full and empty bladder when you weigh makes a difference also what time of the day; whether or not you have just had a meal so on and so forth. You will have Plato's and gain and losses. In my opinion very few people loose every single week healthily.

    Keep up the good work. You are on the right track by making the decision to do something about your health. :smile:
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    Make sure you are drinking enough water, I know from myself if I do not drink enough water no matter how hard I exercise and stick to the calories I will not loose any weight. I upped my water intake to 8 glasses a day and have lost consistently since.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Give yourself some more time nobody loses weight constantly at first you probably just lost alot of water retention. You are eating fine and you should be netting 500 calories after exercising.

    you should NOT be netting 500 calories after exercising.
    NET = at LEAST 1200-1300

    I was thinking the same thing! NET calories is what your "daily" goal calories should be. If you don't feed your body, it will take what it needs from your muscles and then you working your muscles will be a moot point. Seriously, if you are working your muscles, it needs protein to and regular food consumption to build muscle.... make sure you are feeding it that. Drink lots of water and watch your sodium intake. You are probably retaining water in your muscles as someone mentioned before...

    I go up and down all the time, but it eventually comes down and usually it's overnight... be patient. I have never lost 3 pounds in a week... ever... People lose differently. I had my goal as a 2 pound loss every week and was still only averaging a pound. I upped my calories to lose 1 pound a week and I'm still losing consistently. Depriving your body will not make you lose weight in the long term consistently.