Hello everyone!

So, I've been using the MFP app on my droid for about 5 1/2 weeks now, but decided to jump online to see what I was missing. Not sure how often I'll actually jump on and use the website, but it seems like a cool place and a cool community. Figured I could say hi, if nothing else.

You know, weight is a funny thing. Wait, no, its not funny at all. But it definitely seems to sneak up on you...or at least it did for me. Back in my younger days (look at me, talking about my "younger days" while I'm still only 27...sigh), I was rather active. Throughout Jr. High and High School, I was both playing baseball and a competitive dancer. Needless to say, I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted. It really wasn't an issue. Then I went to college, and I wasn't playing baseball anymore, and my competitive dancing days were over, but my "eating whatever I want" days seemed to stick around. And around, and around my waist it went. I didn't even think about it. I just ate how I normally did, without remembering how much exercise I used to get every day. And the weight crept up. When i was 18, I weighed 190...by 20 I was 240...and by 25 I was over 300. I just wasn't paying attention to it...and before I knew it, I was huge.

Now, being huge does have some advantages. No one tends to mess with me in the rough neighborhoods. I get mad respect when it turns out I can still play sports and a competitive level. "Fat Pat Jets" was a term used often in intramural college sports about me, because I would unexpectedly act like I was still an athlete. But, alas, Fat Pat Jets would usually take it out of me and leave me huffing and puffing...where it was never an issue in the past. Ultimately, the risks and detriments far outweigh the advantages (sorry for the bad weight pun).

I half-heartedly attempted some forms of weight loss. Various diets never seemed to last long. Gyms never appealed to me. And why go out walking when there's a perfectly good computer right in front of me (please tell me I'm not the only person who see's the irony in how I'm saying all this ON A COMPUTER).

So why the change now? Why am I supposed to believe that I'm going to see it through this time? Well, as I suspect happens a lot, the doctor gives you a good ol wake up call. They tested my blood sugar, since I'm fat, and it was a little high. Not like "omg, go to the hospital now" high, but a little high (think 120ish). Let's call this a nice wake up call. Diabetes sounds just does not sound fun. So, it was either lose the weight now, while I'm still youngish, and not have to worry about it...or continue down the same path and see where that leads me. I chose the former, and here we are.

However, despite the wake up call and whatnot, I was still a little concerned. How do I make sure this time is different than the last times? How do I make sure I stay the course? Well, I had to do things differently than I did in the past. So, I've decided that what was needed wasn't a diet to attain a certain goal. I mean, for sure, I have certain numerical goals I wish to attain...but they aren't set in stone (100 seemed like a nice, round number...and I figured I could take it from there). The reason I had gained so much weight in the first place was because of the lifestyle I was living. I didn't need to go on a diet. Dieting is temporary. I needed to change my entire lifestyle...which is a much more daunting task...but also more permanent. So I changed my eating schedule. I made sure to eat on a much healthier schedule than "whenever I felt like it," which was usually just 2 times a day (2 giant times a day). I also needed to change what I ate. Instead of a big, heavy lunch out with the fellas at work, maybe 3-4 days a week I brought in a sandwich and some veggies. Instead of a giant chinese food dinner, I'd grill up some fish or chicken. I've always loved to cook...I was just too lazy to do so all the time. But, overall, the goal was to not just do this as a way to lose weight...but to actually change how I live my life. So far, the results have been startling.

Honestly, to date, it has been super easy to change how and what I eat, when I eat, etc. It's been shocking how easy its been. Turns out, I love cooking for myself in the evenings. And I can control what I eat...and that healthier food choices than carb bombs are actually quite delicious. Turns out that I do not miss soda at all. I mean, I haven't touched one in over 5 weeks, and I don't miss it at all. Turns out that eating breakfast in the morning makes me feel much, much better for the rest of the day, makes me MUCH less hungry come lunch time, and just sets me up better for the day. Turns out that going for a walk every night after dinner has become habit much quicker than I had anticipated. It's part of the routine now...which is excellent. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop...the point where I get sick of my lifestyle change and revert back. I fear that shoe dropping. However, as each week passes, the threat of that happening seems to be diminishing...so that is encouraging.

And here we are...5 1/2 weeks in to the "new me," and I'm feeling pretty good so far. Still a long ways to go...but I feel like I'm off to a good start.

Anyways, this ran on quite longer than I had anticipated. But anyone who knows me will know this is nothing unusual. I can get off on tangents quite easily...especially with a keyboard under my fingers. I really just wanted to pop on, say hi, and see what this community is all about. So, hello from sunny California! Good luck on your quests to become healthy and fit!
