new (again)

Hello, I am back again, after a not so serious attempt a few months ago. I am looking to loose between 40 and 50 pounds and would love to add some friends that like to share food ideas and recipes, keep each other accountable for exercise and just be able to have conversation with about this journey. I am more about making it a life style change, i am not on a diet. let me know if this interests you!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome back. Check out the recipe section for great ideas.
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    welcome aboard! you're right, its all about a lifestyle change
  • Hi Laumar,
    This is my first time on this site (joined yesterday), but I've been on other message board sites. They were helpful, but they didn't have all the great tools like MFP, so I am excited about it. Please feel free to add me as a friend as I am a firm believer in supporting other on their journey to being more healthy. I stay on track much easier with people I can chat with.
    Take care and have a great day!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Glad you are back! MFP is such a great site. I couldn't do this journey without it.....Good luck to you!
  • artdhi_a
    artdhi_a Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I just added you as a friend as I too need the support to stay on track. I have always been one to start something only toquit a few days into it. This time I am hoping to stay on track with help from wonderful peeps like you! :smile:
    I just joined MFP today but I am already excited about all the tools and community tips on here! Good luck on your journey!!

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