weighing and mesuring how oftern??

Hi guys just a little question would be greaful if you could help
im really new to all of this and i was just wondering how oftern should i weigh and mesure myself??
thanks x


  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    i would weigh-in once a week. First thing in the morning and in the same manner each time (naked, after using the toilet, etc).

    Measurements I would say should be done every 2-4 weeks, depending on your weight loss/fitness goals and how much weight you have to lose.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I weigh in every Friday after I get out of the shower. I measure the first of each month.
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    once a week is ideal, but when i eat something i shouldnt have, maybe too much sodium or fat i weigh myself the next day to see how much the scale flucuates so i wont be too upset if i have a slight gain. a few days before weigh in i make sure i stay on track to avoid major flucuations, although its about how you feel and now the numbers anyway : )
  • jbenton091011
    I "fired my scales" :explode:

    I weighed myself once a week and I measure myself every 2-4 weeks. On Saturday I weighed myself and I gained 0.5lbs!!! I was so excited for the weigh in on Saturday as I had had a fantastic week. I felt like I'd lost several pounds. I was devestated :sad: My husband really had to pull out all the stops to make me feel better. He even helped me measure. That's when I realised how much size I had lost.

    I'm so anti scales right now even though I really really want to "lose weight". I want the scales to come down and I want them to read back to me the figure I set as my goal.

    If mine is anything to go by, weigh yourself once a week and measure yourself every 2-4 weeks. But make sure you do both :bigsmile:

    Good luck
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I weigh and measure myself every tuesday morning :)