*NEWBIE* Allie_Dreams

Allie_Dreams Posts: 138
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, like it says I am new. I am in extreme need to get my weight down to a healthy level because it is having a major impact on my health. I did log my intake as much as I could remember. It was late in the day when I found this site. So, my goal is to start fresh this morning. I am not much of a water drinker so I need some major support there. I am a stay at home wife. I am on disability. Please help me to help myself! I need & want to get my health back, please!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter


  • Hi, like it says I am new. I am in extreme need to get my weight down to a healthy level because it is having a major impact on my health. I did log my intake as much as I could remember. It was late in the day when I found this site. So, my goal is to start fresh this morning. I am not much of a water drinker so I need some major support there. I am a stay at home wife. I am on disability. Please help me to help myself! I need & want to get my health back, please!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hi, like it says I am new. I am in extreme need to get my weight down to a healthy level because it is having a major impact on my health. I did log my intake as much as I could remember. It was late in the day when I found this site. So, my goal is to start fresh this morning. I am not much of a water drinker so I need some major support there. I am a stay at home wife. I am on disability. Please help me to help myself! I need & want to get my health back, please!

    Ok, what if we set up a water goal to work on together for tomorrow? Think that would help? I love water and normally have no problems getting it all down, but with cold weather here I"m struggling too.:sad:

    If you're not much for water...how about we make it a bit simple, more realistic to be able to meet our goals. Sound good?

    Ok, how does 32 oz. of water sound to you...? Do-able? That would equal out to 4- 8 oz. cups to start off with.....if you make it through that in the a.m then just keeping downing more and keep track on the tools part on MFP. :drinker:

    I'll set that same goal and we can post back and forth and see how we do for tomorrow, k? There are ALOT of folks that start threads when they struggle with getting all their water in so if that helps any, you're far from alone.:bigsmile:

    From what I've learned you take your weight divided by 2 and drink equal that many ozs of water daily. Some just try to get in 8 cups. I find I need much more as I workout alot.

    Ok, I feel ramblings coming on....I need to get some sleep..... let me know if you feel the water goal would help you?:flowerforyou:

    Ohhh sometimes if you have a designated cup, mug, jug:laugh: and fill it and know how much it holds and drink it all day and keep refilling it....sometimes it doesn't seem to be as bit of deal getting the water in as if you drank it glass by glass.

    Just some tips from other members I've read......:drinker:
  • 32 oz sounds great! I have a cooler mug that holds 32 oz. A while back I tried doing filtered flavor water. Because regular tap water has a really bad mineral taste to me. I have been hunting on the site for somebody that has weight loss goals similar to mine, so I could try and pick a "buddy". I know that sounds kind of weird but, I know me & if I have somebody I can work with & set goals with that I think would help. Because, I figure late at night when I get bored & can't sleep I tend to try to raid the fridge or cupboard of food, and or sugary drinks. No because I am hungery but because I am bored. Sugary drinks because I am use to it & hooked. They are so much easier to grab & gulp down than water. Thank you so much for the friend invite! You didn't send but oneI know there is a quote that fits for drinking water.....
    The more you drink, the quicker you shrink ”
    - Anonymous
    but, it doesn't make my drinking it any easier. I haven't fell asleep yet, so I thought I would sign on here and type. My thinking is this is more productive. And the positive thing is I brought a 19 oz bottle water to bed with me. I also had a tea but I just finished that @ 6am. So, I am on to a fresh start now. :noway: I am getting really tired now. And hopeful in the same! TTYL good night / morning! :yawn:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have to say your attitiude is going to get you far. You didnt find this site and think "Hmmm I will start January 1"....you started right that minute!! Good for you!

    For me that has always been the challenge to losing weight. I will start Monday....I overate today and instead of restarting immediately after that meal, I run for weeks, months or years and gain MORE weight.

    I look forward to hearing your stories and having you help ME! You will see you have much more wisdom than you give your self credit.

    Have a great day!!:flowerforyou:
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Hey there, welcome to the site and a new life.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Hey Allie!

    We are all here for each other. This is an amazing site with lots of people who are real... not trying to sell you something, but real, honest, and sharing the same struggle. Welcome. Send me a message if you ever need some encouragement... I really like to do that (and I need it often too:wink: )

    I am 24 but my family has a history of heart disease so when my cousin (who has the same BMI as I do and is only three years older) began to have serious complications, I decided I wanted my health back. Although I think "being skinny" is a good reason for losing weight, "being healthy" is a really secure place to be mentally. :happy: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    As for water: I have a slightly different method for getting my water down: I have four 16oz water bottles that I fill in the morning and then I get through my water that way. I find that being able to set that empty water bottle down is very fulfilling and there is a certain feeling of victory that comes with draining the last drop. Undoubtedly that would also come with finishing off a single large bottle, but as you can see from my signature, I need lots of little victories to keep me going.

    If you've found a way that works, stick with it! But I thought I'd share a way that seems to work best for me.

    Welcome again! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895

    water was a struggle for me at first.....I have well water so i had to buy a filter for my sink faucet(cheaper than buying jugs of water) i keep a 32oz plastic cup filled all the time. and once its empty i fill it up agian! Once you get into the habit of drinking it...you crave it, I know that sounds crazy but its true! If i don't drink my water i feel awful the next day. That goes for eating healthy too...once you get into the habit of it, you just want to(i hope that makes since:ohwell: )

    as for the chocolate, if you want some everyday then have some! Buy some of those chocolate squares and eat one or two a day as a treat!

    I know its hard to adjust to healthier eating but you CAN do it....just invision yourself at your goal weight (what you'll look like,how you'll feel)everytime you think about sticking something in your mouth that your not suppose to have.

    I hope this helps...Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • I am very excited this morning! I signed up for this late last night & decided FIRST thing this AM I was going in Head first. I tend to procrastinate. So, if I let myself say "Oh I'll start after the holidays." For me holidays/ birthdays go through Easter or after. I knew I had to go ahead and jump in. It helps that I am starting on a Sunday (beginning of the week for me). I am one of those that believe things happen for a reason, such as me stumbling on this site when I wasn't even searching for it. My first thought was why am I at this site, it wasn't what I searched for. Then, I was like what do they want me to buy? Most sites that promote weight loss have catches. Not everybody in this world can afford everything out there plus, people use to lose weight the old fashioned way. Reducing caloric intake & increase exercise. So, for me that is the cheaper & longest standing weight loss there has been as far as I know. So, I'm positive this will work for me. Lots of luck to everybody!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    That is exactly how I felt! I prayed for help and BAM.....MFP!! It has been a lifeline for me for 6 months.

    I will tell you a few things I learned..IF ya wanna hear!!

    Drink water as Elizabeth said. So important and she has a few threads about it

    Do not compare yourself to others! PLEASE!

    If you fall....get right back up. Dont wait...do it right then (my biggest down fall for 10 years!)

    Tell yourself each morning that you are WORTH it!

    If you have done no exercise, take your time. If you over do it you can hurt yourself and send you into that spiral.

    IF you hurt yourself, get sick, bet angry, dont like someone on MFP, someone says something you do not like. IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO QUIT!!!
    PM someone and talk it out.

    You can do this. Read up! Some ppl have lost 175+ pounds. Some went from sedentary to riding a 100 mile bike ride!! I mean really....can you imagine this! She lost 75 pounds and rode her bike for 100 miles!!

    I am so excited for you!! ENJOY! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    Welcome! It is awesome you have taken the step to help yourself! This website is awesome and you will find great support on here! The best thing I have found for weight loss is to be absolutely honest with yourself. Also, DO record everything you eat/drink! The journal on this site is great! God luck!

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    32 oz sounds great! I have a cooler mug that holds 32 oz. A while back I tried doing filtered flavor water. Because regular tap water has a really bad mineral taste to me. I have been hunting on the site for somebody that has weight loss goals similar to mine, so I could try and pick a "buddy". I know that sounds kind of weird but, I know me & if I have somebody I can work with & set goals with that I think would help. Because, I figure late at night when I get bored & can't sleep I tend to try to raid the fridge or cupboard of food, and or sugary drinks. No because I am hungery but because I am bored. Sugary drinks because I am use to it & hooked. They are so much easier to grab & gulp down than water. Thank you so much for the friend invite! You didn't send but oneI know there is a quote that fits for drinking water.....
    The more you drink, the quicker you shrink ”
    - Anonymous
    but, it doesn't make my drinking it any easier. I haven't fell asleep yet, so I thought I would sign on here and type. My thinking is this is more productive. And the positive thing is I brought a 19 oz bottle water to bed with me. I also had a tea but I just finished that @ 6am. So, I am on to a fresh start now. :noway: I am getting really tired now. And hopeful in the same! TTYL good night / morning! :yawn:
    Hey there!:happy: How ya doing on the water today? I'm about 1/2 way down in the water department....I like to normally be further ahead by now in the day...but somedays are just like that.:ohwell: I took this weekend as rest days to deal with some car stuff & finally catch up on things.

    Hope you're having a really good day!:drinker:
  • I didn't make the 32 oz yesterday. I tried I got halfway through it. I started feeling nauseated. I don't understand why when I drink water sometimes I start feeling physically sick. I know I will build up. Today is a new day with a fresh start. Best of luck to you all!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,958 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey! You'll find the pals here are wonderful!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I didn't make the 32 oz yesterday. I tried I got halfway through it. I started feeling nauseated. I don't understand why when I drink water sometimes I start feeling physically sick. I know I will build up. Today is a new day with a fresh start. Best of luck to you all!
    Well 1/2 way is Great! Just even adding a bit more everyday as you get started is a HUGE STEP toward your goals:drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    Try adding some lemon juice to the water to begin with. I sometimes just feel "over watered" but adding just a bit of lemon seems to help me out with that.

    Good luck with all your goals! :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    Try adding some lemon juice to the water to begin with. I sometimes just feel "over watered" but adding just a bit of lemon seems to help me out with that.

    Good luck with all your goals! :flowerforyou:
    oh a slice of lemon or cumcumber is a very nice addition....so fresh and tasty!

    Allie...check out NWWildernessWn's post on Water...she got a neat idea from a friend to add a thing into a picture and it's a nice water blend that's still very healthy for you as it contains no caffeine! (think I have it all spelled correctly...if not just PM as I saved the recipe):drinker:
  • I'll have to check that out. I am swamped with doctor appt. this week. The only day I don't have a dr appt is Thursday! ARGGGGGHHHHH!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I'll have to check that out. I am swamped with doctor appt. this week. The only day I don't have a dr appt is Thursday! ARGGGGGHHHHH!

    Tell ya what...I'll dig it up and PM it too you, k?:bigsmile:
    Good luck with all the appt's.....

    Talk to ya soon....drink that waaaaaater girl!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ....what's our goal together for Tues? What do you think is something you can keep too or at least work toward as a goal? Just let me know and I will hang with ya on it....anything to help folks get in their water!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Here's something I found....I know I've posted it in several threads so you may have seen it...and some of you others may have as well...if not.... good info here!:bigsmile: :drinker:

    "Water is the most essential next to air, for our survival, our bodies cannot work without it.
    All the cell organ functions depend on water for their functioning.
    Water also can aid in the prevention and cure of many types of diseases, ailments and disorders that effect the many systems of the human body!"
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    Try adding some lemon juice to the water to begin with. I sometimes just feel "over watered" but adding just a bit of lemon seems to help me out with that.

    Good luck with all your goals! :flowerforyou:
    oh a slice of lemon or cumcumber is a very nice addition....so fresh and tasty!

    Allie...check out NWWildernessWn's post on Water...she got a neat idea from a friend to add a thing into a picture and it's a nice water blend that's still very healthy for you as it contains no caffeine! (think I have it all spelled correctly...if not just PM as I saved the recipe):drinker:

    OMG this girl can NOT SPELL!:blushing: :blushing: :noway: :bigsmile: sowwie folks! to late to edit....I just now read this....horrid typos today:ohwell: :drinker:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Hi, like it says I am new. I am in extreme need to get my weight down to a healthy level because it is having a major impact on my health. I did log my intake as much as I could remember. It was late in the day when I found this site. So, my goal is to start fresh this morning. I am not much of a water drinker so I need some major support there. I am a stay at home wife. I am on disability. Please help me to help myself! I need & want to get my health back, please!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter

    Welcome to MFP......this really does work if you follow it :drinker: :flowerforyou: Make sure you read the posts for newbies on the threads...very good info in there and it will answer a lot of questions.....any more questions ask away....we're here for ya :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
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