How typical!

I started logging my "stuff" on MFP about 2 days ago....When I started I actually wanted/needed to lose 110 lbs. I hit 10 lb lost and thought I should start recording my food/progress for the last 100 lbs. So I prograstinated for a few days and then started my logging here. In the meantime I had lost 3 more lbs.....So once i started logging in, I realized I had not "gotten credit" for the weight I after debating in my mind I went back and adjusted my numbers to show my starting place at thw 100 lbs to lose level. What a waste of time...should have taken a walk. But it seems like historically that is where I stumble....too much planning - - not enough execution. Here's hoping I do better this time.

Trying to set a better food example for my 13 year old daughter who is struglling in her weight and her food decisions. It was getting too hard to explain why it was OK for me to make the decision to be heavy as an adult who had 3 kids and is overwhelmed at work and comes home to exhausted to eat healthy/exercise and why I expected (and hoped for) a better healthier lifestyle for her.

Hope to meet this 100 lb goal in 10 months....Please share your successes if you are on a similar journey and making progress.


  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I started out with a plan of losing 10# - which to me felt like a far reach because I had NEVER lost weight. I was still at the weight I was 2 years prior to giving birth to my daughter. To lose 10# sounded like a good goal - I hit 10 - then 20- then 30. I am now going for the last 6# which has been a struggle . . . but I figure even if it takes me months, I am better off than I was 4 months ago!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,717 Member
    Kids follow their parents leads. And kids only eat what is in front of them, so you control what's in the house. She's 13, and at a time when girls really become self conscious about their looks and body. So the approach may be better if you do it with her in tandem. However YOU need to set the precedence, consistency and lead by example. It would be good for you too because you will feel more accountable. She's the way she is because you allowed her to be that way. I know it may not be what you want to hear, but the past is the past. Focus now on yours and her future.