Newbie saying Hi

Hi all, I'm Angelina. I joined like 7 days ago. I'm in love with the site and all the tools available to me. I have tried many other ways to lose weight. I'm doing good so far, but the real test is if I can keep it up. If you have any advice or tips, please share. :smile: I know firsthand how frustrating and tiresome losing weight can be. My goal is to take back control over myself and what I eat. For some time now, I have been feeling physically and emotionally bad. I know if I want to be a better person, it starts with me and the choices I make. One lesson I did learn this year is - I may make a poor decision today, but what matters is the actions you do afterward to improve the problem. Yes, I will try my hardest to keep up my goal, but If I slip up, I can't be so harsh on myself cause that only leads to more destructive behavior. Well, I'm happy to be here and look forward to meeting others and reaching my goal.