How to stop being hungry?



  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member

    I think one of my problems is lack of protein, I'm a vegetarian thats hates nuts and beans which is a little awkward! I'm considering protein shakes but would that make me start 'bulking up' muscle? Because I don't want that!

    protein does NOT cause your muscles you grow.
    Protein is used to REPAIR damaged tissues. that is why it is so important to eat protein after a workout. a very common misconception about protein is that is just automatically makes you gain muscles mass.... the truth is EXERCISE is what causes your muscles to grow, and the protein is what helps repair them.

    give a protein shake (meal replacement) shake a try. i use VEGA brand, which is a completely vegan meal replacement/protein shake. it tastes like dirt, but it has ever single vitamin and mineral under the sun in it so it is totally worth it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Firstly, protein shakes don't build muscle. They just provide protein. You have to exercise to build muscle.

    Secondly, I am hungry all the time!
  • gocyndigo
    There are also protein bars. Chase it with a full bottle of water. You can find a few good brands that are really filling in some great flavors. Just make sure you check that the protein content is high enough. Some of them are candy bars in disguise so choose the highest amount of protein with a higher amount of unsat fats than saturated ones. Go for yogurt covered ones when you can. I never thought I'd see the day I would add something like that but a bar and a bottled water really can fill me up for a mid day snack or sometimes even a meal, especially now that I've increased my exercise level. I try to have a small snack or make sure my meals are being eaten every two to three hours, along with water. For me to keep the hunger away I also try to choose things that have some natural sugars like fruits. It does get better too. You do adjust to the new amount of food. It was very smart of you to simply track what you had been eating before! Good luck, and it does get better.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Actually ClaytonSmith, apple cider vinegar NEUTRALIZES acid in your stomach which helps you feel less hungry. Also, it aids digestion, it doesn't cause indigestion. Maybe you should read about some of the benefits if you don't know about it instead of making assumptions. I've been using ACV for about a month now and have not experienced heartburn or indigestion even once the entire time.

    If you'd like to try out the protein idea, I suggest some Ancient Harvest quinoa pasta with marinara. A complete protein and also a whole grain at the same time! And marinara is low in calories so its not something that should make you gain.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK. I have to say something.

    TWO PEOPLE in this thread have now suggested consuming things that -- by their own admissions -- do not taste good (and one that's just fortified chalk). WHY WHY WHY would you consume gross-tasting crap when you can just eat tasty, healthy, whole foods (also full of nutrients -- and there is protein in many things other than beans and nuts that vegetarians can eat), not be hungry and get all the nutrition you need to be healthy?

  • MagicandCastles
    Thanks for all the advice guys, I've got a lot to try out, hope something will work!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Since you say vegetarian instead of vegan I'm going to assume that milk products and possibly eggs are on your diet. Without beans or nuts, you'll probably need to eat a good amount of low-fat cheese or yogurt and eggs to get your RDA of protein. Soy or almond milk would also add some.