Wife & I Start P90X today/tonight!! Tips anyone

Can't wait and I'm so pumped. I have been working on my fitness/ diet for about 4 months now.
I feel like I'm in the best shape I have been in years and I'm now ready to change up the routine and go even further.

So my wife and I need some help!!! The kit comes today... yes we got it the right way and not from Lime wire.
So questions

Weights? What pounds should be we get for the free weights?

For her 5's 10's?? how do you know?

Me I am 205 and when I work out I usually usea 25 lb -35,40 lb dumbell?

Also we don't have a chin up bar.. but maybe we will down the road.
Any tips on how to make that work?

Also just any advice for first times users from you people that have been through please let us know!

Let the games begin!!


  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    My recommendation is to start with resistance bands rather than buy a new set of weights, unless you want to splurge on something like the SelecTechs (the adjustable dumbbells). The resistance bands offer you a great range of resistance at least until you figure out what a good number would be. I'm always going for the "leaner look" so I tend to use lighter weights, and mine range from 5lbs (for rear delt work and when I'm feeling way tired) up to about 20-30 for legs. It really takes a feel, rather than "you should start with 10lbs." So try out a mid-range resistance band to start. They're usually fairly inexpensive if you don't have one already! They also help for those of us that don't have a pull-up bar. You'll see in the videos that there's always someone using the resistance bands during the pull up section. I had a pull-up bar, but the location didn't work for me anymore so I switched to the bands. I loop mine through my door and close it so it holds. You'll see what I mean when you watch a workout, if what I'm saying doesn't make sense. :)

    Good luck with P90X! It's amazing :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Can't wait and I'm so pumped. I have been working on my fitness/ diet for about 4 months now.
    I feel like I'm in the best shape I have been in years and I'm now ready to change up the routine and go even further.

    So my wife and I need some help!!! The kit comes today... yes we got it the right way and not from Lime wire.
    So questions

    Weights? What pounds should be we get for the free weights?

    For her 5's 10's?? how do you know?

    Me I am 205 and when I work out I usually usea 25 lb -35,40 lb dumbell?

    Also we don't have a chin up bar.. but maybe we will down the road.
    Any tips on how to make that work?

    Also just any advice for first times users from you people that have been through please let us know!

    Let the games begin!!

    For dumbbells, depending on the exercise I range from 12 pounds (weighted arm circles) put to 70 lbs (lawnmowers) So either get ones you can add and remove weight plates, or look at the adjustable dumbbells (I think bowflex has them)

    If you don't have a chin up bar you will need bands, but I highly suggest getting the bar, there is nothing like doing real pull ups or chin ups.

    My advise is push play, do your best and forget the rest, and modify if you have too.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    i got the bands... and i had a set of 5pound weights. Bands work out nicely though... even since u dont have a chin up bar. they tailor some of those moves to use the bands. you can always change up the resistance by stepping on more of the band to make it shorter... and thus not necc needing to up the weights

    P90X is hard but is a good workout!! Good luck!
  • crystalmichelle82
    Like chalene johnson says, go heavy or go home. Women tend to not bulk up unless we take something to give us masculine features such as supplements. So even if we lift heavy for us we will not look like a man unless we are ingesting things that would give us that frame. Now some women that are body builders and they have those frames can do that easier. i cannot do that myself. No matter how heavy I go I am not going to look masculine, besides that is unattractive. I am buying the SelectTechs at the end of the month but I used the resistance bands & got a good burn from it for the first round.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    When I do P90X, I do 12 or 25lb in the free weights. Have a few different weights because you will use different ones with different exercises. You don't want to go too light or too heavy, just find what works best for you and your wife. I have the Iron Gym that attaches to the door frame for my pull-ups. If I decide to use resistance bands that day, I just loop them over the pull-up bar.
  • ed2512
    ed2512 Posts: 3
    Tips......BRING IT!!
  • JudyZ
    JudyZ Posts: 23
    You already got some great responses about the pull up bar (exactly what I did)!

    Other tips:

    * Plan on trying to get some additional sleep the first week or two, 'cause you'll need it!
    * Ab ripper X is scheduled AFTER the weight workouts, but I was usually too tired to do it in the beginning. You may want to do that 20 minute workout separate from the weight workout. And at first...take off your shoes before doing ARX.
    * Don't expect to be able to do everything like Tony and the kids in the very beginning. What fund would THAT be anyway? You want to be able to improve over time!
    * Don't forget to do the fit test and take pictures and measurements.
    * Use WOWY to schedule your workouts, and if you enter the "commit to get fit" contest, you'll be eligible for $500 every time you log your workout. I've won the WOWY daily prize before, so it IS possible! Plus, you have your 90 days all scheduled out nicely for you right there on your computer.
    * The P90X recovery drink is worth the purchase because I really think it helps reduce soreness and help you recover, but if you didn't order that yet, drink a glass of chocolate milk within an hour after your workout.
    * If you find that the food in the plan is just too much for you, don't stuff yourself! As you get more fit and can give more to your workouts, you'll find that you become hungrier and can take in the calories they recommend.

    I think that's about it. I probably can go on and on! It's a great program! :happy:
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    Resistance bands are awesome! You can use them in place of the chin up bar, they have a person who shows it as an option in the video. I love doing P90X but my husband and I end up doing well for a few weeks and then we usually don't have time. I usually use 10 lbs and I have some smaller 3 lbs (these are what we had a the house, I didn't want to buy new) for things I can't do with the 10's. Some of it's hard, especially ab ripper, so I couldn't keep up at all! Just do your best and forget the rest!
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Can't wait and I'm so pumped. I have been working on my fitness/ diet for about 4 months now.
    I feel like I'm in the best shape I have been in years and I'm now ready to change up the routine and go even further.

    So my wife and I need some help!!! The kit comes today... yes we got it the right way and not from Lime wire.
    So questions

    Weights? What pounds should be we get for the free weights?

    For her 5's 10's?? how do you know?

    Me I am 205 and when I work out I usually usea 25 lb -35,40 lb dumbell?

    Also we don't have a chin up bar.. but maybe we will down the road.
    Any tips on how to make that work?

    Also just any advice for first times users from you people that have been through please let us know!

    Let the games begin!!

    For dumbbells, depending on the exercise I range from 12 pounds (weighted arm circles) put to 70 lbs (lawnmowers) So either get ones you can add and remove weight plates, or look at the adjustable dumbbells (I think bowflex has them)

    If you don't have a chin up bar you will need bands, but I highly suggest getting the bar, there is nothing like doing real pull ups or chin ups.

    My advise is push play, do your best and forget the rest, and modify if you have too.

    perfectly said!. especially the last line.
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    OOh good luck! I started this week too.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Agree with the recommendations around the pull up bar, the bands are good for this exercise but no substitute if you are looking to get strong. You will be doing so many sets of pull up/chin up variations it is hard not to get real strong real quick doing the pull ups.

    Do you have push up bars? I really recommend those as well so that you can get lower in your push ups and put much less pressure on your wrists. Push ups are another core building block to P90x, you will be doing a lot of variations of them during the weights workouts.

    As for weights starting with the band as already suggested is a great way to start and learn the movements. Dumbbells are better long term as they offer equal resistance throughout the range of motion of the exercise. I would invest in a set of adjustable weights, mine are the old fashioned manually removable plates. If you get good at doing pull ups and push ups then you should be working with at least 40lbs a move, I'm currently at 50lbs for my bicep curls. I would strongly recommend getting a set that can scale to at least 80lbs if you plan to do this long term.

    Next one is, do you have a good soft mat for working out on? There is a lot of floor work and a lot of jumping, save your knees by getting a good mat, the bigger the better. I have a 6' by 4' mat and I need a bigger one now as I can clear it in my jumps thanks to the progress I've made. Good trainers also help, look after your knees!

    Stick to the diet as best you can, if you don't fuel your body properly you will find it much tougher to stick at it. Everybody has off days so if you fall off get right back on it. Same goes for missing a workout.

    The official drinks from Beachbody are great but expensive. A decent recovery drink (I drink Xtend) and a decent protein drink (I drink Nutrisport 90+) can save you a lot of money and are far better than drinking nothing. A good multi vitamin is also work investing in.

    Don't skip Yoga, it will help you become more flexible, increase your balance and strength. All three combine to give you better results in your other workouts giving you better results in the long term as well as helping to avoid injury.

    Modify if you need to, the aim is to get fit and strong, not broken down and disheartened. When I started I had to do the push ups on my knees, I couldn't bend past my knees either, and I had to use a chair for pull ups. 134 days later and I can do 27 pull ups in a minute.

    Don't forget to do the fit test, the initial set of measurement and the photos. You will regret not taking them if you don't, I know I do.
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    I just recently started , I am on day 17, I highly reccommend good friends like the folks on here who are answering your questions. Tanker has helped me a bunch. I do my P90x a little different, it was just easier for me this way. On resistance days I go to my gym, I bring my lap top and go find a quite spot near the pull up assist machine. I find the pull up assist machine gives me teh best workout with my back and lats. Good friends on MFP who are experienced with P90x are my best resource
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I just picked up an Iron Gym portable chin up bar on clearance at Walmart for $9.95 (regularly $19.95). It's really good but you need to make sure the moulding around your door frame is sufficiently sized to hold the bar. I'm 242 and it held me during my modified chin ups just fine, very stable.

    I ordered bands from ebay. I think I paid $25 for a set of varying weights.

    I have been working out with a trainer for 4 months and gained a lot of arm strength. I used to do overhead presses with 5 pound dumbells and now use 10 pounds with ease (I'm a woman). However, during my first P90X workout yesterday, I needed something a lot heavier for "heavy pants" (you'll know what I mean soon enough). I found my DH's 30 pound dumbells and felt like I could've started with 40 pounds. Basically, you'll need heavy weights for you and your wife.

    Have fun!