foot cramping from exercise?

I posted this on my wall too but wanted to get more input.... I am a below knee amputee so all of my weight for the most part is on my one foot... and I've been doing Zumba for the past few weeks and for the past 4 or 5 days now my foot has been acting up... I am going to have to call the dr, but wanted to know if anyone has had any problems with something like this before...

From my wall:
anyone had any problems with what feels like a cramp on the outside of your foot? I have developed a knot on the outside edge of my foot, like in the middle of my foot... and it has bothered me for like 3 days now... i've been trying soaking it and using menthol alcohol on it, and it will get better... but then as soon as I put weight on it again and start walking around it like cramps back up... it feels like a charlie horse in my foot... ughh! anyone had this happen?


  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Eat a half a sweet potato a day for a week or two to up your potassium (it has more than bananas), anytime I get any sort of cramp that's what I do. Also, massage, and take it easy for a week maybe? I understand you can't just not use it, but how is it on a stationary bike to continue exercise? If that still bothers you, do you have access to a hand bike?

    Oh, and every single time I go see my massage therapist he works on my feet because I get knots in them like crazy. It's actually to the point that I don't feel them anymore until he starts working on them because I've just grown so accustomed to having them.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Have you been drinking enough water? What about electrolytes? I find that I get horrible charley horse like cramps/nots in my feet/calves if I a. don't drink enough water b. drink too much caffeine and/or c. sweat too much and don't replace my electrolytes.

    I would try drinking some gatorade and water for a day or so and see if it subsides before going to the Dr. But if you're in severe discomfort/pain then call right away.
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    I usually drink about 2 liters to a liter and a half of water a day... haven't drank any gaterade so I need to try that... I drink alot of water, but will try gaterade this evening! Also didn't know that baou thte sweet potatoes, I'll have to pick some up! THanks!