moment of clarity

you know i have pretty much changed my entire lifestyle and my whole outlook on eating and exercise. every once in awhile i have a moment of weakness, today i was cruising the site and i read someone saying they had one bad meal, but there is 21 meals in a week. almost every time i give in and overindulge i convince myself "well, you blew it and went over your calories for the day" and i continue to eat crap for the rest ofthe day and probably end up eating twice my normal amt of calories instead of just going over a little. it doesn't have to be like that, just accept you went over and continue your day as if it was any other. does anyone else find themselves blowing off an entire day?


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I used to do that every single day before i started on this site, but now i count all my foods and I tell myself IF i eat this and go over on my daily calories then that means i will have to exercise later for X amount of minutes/ hours to work it off. I make healthier food choices and eat as much as everyone else just not the same portions.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I agree with you 100%

    I tend to think that even skinny people must pig out now and again :laugh:

    long as your aware of it and react in the correct way
  • Yep! I hate that, and I know in my head that I shouldn't. But I do it anyway. How is it that we can be so smart and know how to lose weight and still make bad choices like that! Ugh! This is so's just one MEAL, doesn't have to be a whole DAY!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    ahhh this was SO MEEEEE! I just actually wrote a post this morning about how I had an AH-HA moment yesterday/this morning....and realized that one bad meal or one bad day SHOULDN'T be the end-all of your diet plan....I had a bad day Sunday, stuck to my plan yesterday, and am ALL SMILES today!!!
    THE KEY IS PATIENCE, and being can do it!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do sometimes but not because of one bad meal. It's usually for an outing or party of some sort so I know it's coming. But I don't let it ruin the next day(s).
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    would so do what ChantalGG said if I didn't have an upredictable life w/lil ones ;) So, I try to still log my food from the meal or cookie dough anyone? lol, and then I tell myself if it's abt 500 over that I am just not making progress that day :) And if it's more than that, then I try to stay under a bit more the next day/workout when I can to work it off, but sometimes you just have to move on *shrug* But I think by still logging it all (estimating if I have to) I am still being accountable and not as likely to blow off the rest of the day.
  • THE KEY IS PATIENCE, and being can do it!!

    so true! Thank you!

    I def go on 'binges' and am trying to control it. My motto lately is 'accept that it happened, move on' :-) Patience is key though!
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    I have blown off three days in a row and am now just trying to get back on track. Guess I was depressed that the scale hasn't moved for two weeks. If feels like pulling myself up by the bootstraps to get back on track - its a matter of not feeling guilty and letting go of the error and just picking up and going on. Harder to do than say.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I have blown off three days in a row and am now just trying to get back on track. Guess I was depressed that the scale hasn't moved for two weeks. If feels like pulling myself up by the bootstraps to get back on track - its a matter of not feeling guilty and letting go of the error and just picking up and going on. Harder to do than say.

    least you haven't gained :happy:

    always a positive to be taken
  • I plan my week knowing I will have a bad day where for what ever reason - social, cr*p mood or just piggery - I can just get back. I do this by not eating all my exercise calories, if I remain on track for the week then I am happy. You need to retrain your way of thinking and change habits over the long term and in the real world we all have days where you will have a blow out but you just eat healthy food and healthy amounts all the other days. of course if every day is a blow out, it was for me, you end up on here trying to get your self back in balance!
  • The_Finja
    The_Finja Posts: 38 Member
    Part of this "new lifestyle" is knowing that you will over eat at meals. The trick is to go back to your schedule after your bad meal. It is easier to say than do though. I was out with a buddy I haven't seen in a long time the other night, well we had a few drinks, then a whole bunch of pub fare. I had gained a "few" pounds when I weighed myself the next morning, but I went right back to my "new lifestyle", and over the next few days lost it and was back on track. All that to be said, eating is a big part of our lives, we eat to celebrate, to grieve, because of stress, etc. The trick is not to keep eating poorly, (that's how I got to be well over 300 lbs), and to pick myself up the next day and dust myself off and get back on track. One meal is only one meal, it took me a long time to realize that.
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    Before this website, If i ate one bad meal or snack....I would eat whatever for the rest of the day. I ate everything icrave all at once and then the next day....i feel like crap and punish myself by running at 6:00am. My fave time to lay in bed and relax -_-

    But since I joined this website, If i ate one bad meal or snack...I'd spend the rest of the day eating super good stuff. Salads, Veggies....and it works for me. I don;t feel like I'm punishing myself for anything. PLus, u can indulge...its just how much u indulge :-)
  • rockann16
    rockann16 Posts: 885 Member
    I too have had days (and if I'm honest...weeks!) like this. Right now I'm trying to take it one day at a time. Not every day is going to be perfect and as long as I can wrap my head around that I will be okay. My all or nothing attitude has gotten me where I am so I am working on changing that. There will always be days that aren't most of the days last week and weekend! LOL! I'm trying to find 3 good things a day that I'm proud of that don't necessarily have to be weight loss related just so I stop beating myself up if I do have a bad day.