To those who increased calories to increase weight loss...

How long before you saw results? During the first week or two was it a slow adjustment?

A little background;

I recently lost 7 pounds and then have been at a 2 month frustrating roadblock.....I keep gaining and losing the same 4 lbs. Ranging from 142 to 138. My goal is 135 and/or 18% body fat.

I recently saw a exercise physiologist and had some testing and evaulations done (I was hooked up to a machine with a mask for 15 minutes that determines RMR) which was 1,514 calories.
I also had my body fat tested which was 19.7%. The specialist said I wasn't eating enough calories. He also recommended dropping the elliptical and walking instead everyday (in addition to weight lifting.)

My goal is to net 1,469/day (I was netting around 1200-1300ish). And I am eating back calories burned from exercise. I'm now walking 6 days week for an hour/day.

I'd love to hear what your journey was like when you increased your calories.

Thanks :)