Kettlebells anyone??

Ive been reading up on kettlebell workouts and hear nothing but good things and how its an all body workout and burns tons of fat in less the amount of time as running and lifting regular weights. I started my first workout yesterday, and really enjoyed it and Im hoping to see results as I continue. Has anyone had success with using these things or have any workout tips so I dont get bored of it like the other stuff??


  • Angwie
    Angwie Posts: 14
    I just started working out with a trainer last week and we used kettlebells... amazing workout for sure, i almost threw up haha. Definitely could feel everything being worked though and i loved that! Good luck!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    If you can do it great.
    I personally found worrying about swinging them too much and locking my elbows or letting them go was too much of a hassle.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Like any workout if you repeat the same routine over and over you will get bored so try mixing it up with other activities like runnig etc.

    I love my kettlebell it does wear me out all over which is awesome.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    I did a kettlebell workout two days ago and I'm still really sore. Great workout!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    If you can do it great.
    I personally found worrying about swinging them too much and locking my elbows or letting them go was too much of a hassle.

    Your arms are supposed to be loose and straight when swinging, and you're supposd to lock out when you press, plus you should be in a space where you can let go if you need to. Losing your balance/technique and then tearing a muscle just because you didn't want to let go should never be allowed to happen, drop the 'bell, look after yourself (and others, no standing in the line of fire!)
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I bought one but have barely used it. This thread has motivated me to give it try!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    Someone recently posted this on another thread, it's got a decent example of swing technique on it