Need some good supportive friends

This is my second day and it seems to be a little harder but I know I will have good and bad days. Not really sure how to get friends on here by would love to have some good supportive friends so they can give me some good advice and share there struggles with me and I will do the same because all of the post I have read have made me want to lose weight even more.


  • pandora2010
    Great support is always a good way to get through tough times!! :)
  • ShadowFangs
    I know how you feel. Ive moved to where I am and have been told to lose weight but have no-one to help or talk to, to give me advice to stop me from getting in a rut and keeping on a down on my diet for a few days. My partner eats everything in sight and my daughter does too so ive started reading things on here and hoping to find people going through or have gone through it to help me just keep going. I find online friends in similar situations are a good start doesnt matter if you meet them or not just a good random comment can keep your going for some good support. I'm here if you need a friend :)

  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    My advice is that you utilize this site as much as you can. It's way more than a calculator for what goes into your mouth and what you work off in calories. Spend time reading the success stories and the NSV's (non scale victories) on the Community page. They are very motivating. Next, make your food diary viewable to your friends and keep it honest - knowing someone could be looking at it will help you make smart choices. But, also, don't kick yourself for a bad day now and then - everybody has them (I ate 3/4 of a 12 inch pizza today). And most importantly be patient. Don't even expect to lose more than 5 lbs. per month - that attitude will eventually promote disappointment and frustration. This site is a great tool! Good luck on your journey and feel free to friend me.