anyone lose lots of weight..only to gain it back?



  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    Lost 67 pounds 5 years ago...ended up gaining about 50 of it back. Now I've lost about 25 of that :) I was on Weight Watchers the first time. I was also smoking a lot of cigarettes and basically using those to replace the food my body wanted. Well, I finally kicked the smoking habit a little over a year ago and I'm exercising almost everyday...and eating what I want (in moderation.) I think I'm the healthiest I've been since I was a teenager :) Good luck in your weight loss. Feel free to add me as well :smokin:
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    I lost 60 pounds my freshman year of college due to an eating disorder (never got underweight - I did actually need to lose all of that weight - I just didn't do it very healthfully). SURPRISE it didn't stay off, though it did come back very, very gradually. Unfortunately, the healthier I got emotionally, the fatter I got. Now I feel like I've got s**t together I'm trying to get back to the thinner body I had.

    One day I will be both thin and sane at the same time! :)
  • hillendahl
    hillendahl Posts: 29 Member
    thanks guys for the great stories....I can see myself in so many of them.

    couple things I heard which I am sure will help me..

    1. I will keep weighing myself
    2. I will keep logging my was a big reality check when i wanted to order the yummy cake at Chili's only to discover it was over 1300 calories...just knowing it helped me decide it wasn't worth it...
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    i lost over 25 lbs with WW about 4 yrs ago and then met my (now ex) boyfriend...started eating larger portions cause that's what he'd cook us for meals and promptly gained all of it back (+ a cpl extra lbs just for the heck of it).
    we broke up in nov '10 and i joined MFP two months later and have had great results through the accountability of logging food/exercise and with the support and encouragement of the other members on here :)
    i am now lighter than i was when i'd stopped WW and looking forward to losing even more weight.
    it's amazing what having a good support network can do!!
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    A few years back I weighed in around 180 and then met the greatest man to ever walk the Earth :D I had never been so happy before and he really motivated me to lose weight and I dropped to 130 something in about a year. The only changes I made were working out 5 days a week with cardio and a few strength routines a week and I completely quit sodas and only drank water. However then my world shattered as he dumped me and I became really depressed, quit eating except one meal a day which was a turkey sandwich and dropped to 128, everyone said I was too skinny :( My ex begged me to start dating other people and move on so unfortunately I did, biggest mistake of my life!!
    I met someone else who i thought could make me happy but I was miserable and was also in denial. I began to eat again, began drinking soda again and didn't workout at all. I truly didn't care and my new bf drank and I don't but he persuaded me to try some and I liked it and on weekends began drinking :( I ballooned to 198 easily!!!! So finally one day I woke up and realized how utterly miserable I was and said I was done with him and wanted to contact my ex again (of course that was forbidden by my new bf) So the day I went to email my ex he had emailed me instead :O Coincidence I think not. I immediately moved out quit drinking and In a few months had lost 20 some lbs. Now currently I am back with my ex and hoping it will work out this time. Trying to get my 5 days of exercise in and changing my diet slowly so I can stick to it and stopped sodas again. Still have 40 lb or so to lose :D
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Yes! Stay away from Fad diets. They are called that for a reason. There are healthy ways to lose weight...nice and slow is the most important and effective. Also never stop moving. As soon as you stop being active the healthy life style seems to dissipate as well. Good luck to you. We are all here for support and tips
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    All the time!

    Since I was 16 I have gone from 113lbs to 84lbs to 105lbs to 86lbs to 126lbs to 110lbs to 124lbs to 112lbs to 120lbs to 112lbs to 120lbs to 112lbs to 120lbs to I HAVE NO IDEA

    And for me, that is the key. Not knowing my weight. Weighing is dangerous dangerous danderous in my opinion.

    And it happened through a combination of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and trying to be healthy. Crash dieting and overexercise, fasting, purging etc etc.