

  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I do the BodyPUMP class at my gym 2-3 times per week. It's a 60 minute class that focuses on different muscle groups at a time using barbells and free weights. If you go to a gym with classes, they will most likely have it or something similar. I think it's a good way to strengthen your muscles and it can teach you a few things to do on your own! I've been doing this for about a month and I feel so much stronger!

    "Pump's main focus is muscle endurance, not muscle growth as this is demonstrated by the sheer amount of repetitions you do in each track. Pump's will build lean muscle tough as every class will have a certain amount of muscle hypertrophy."

    If you don't want to do classes, try getting a session or two with a trainer just so they can set you up with a routine to do on your own and show you the correct techniques. It's amazing how many people there are with horrible technique at the gym! A little knowledge in the gym is important, especially when it comes to weight lifting!
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    I recommend New Rules of Lifting for Abs by Lou Schuler. It is the follow up to New Rules of Lifting for Women, which I did and enjoyed. Both involve lifting heavy.

    I'm 45 and I lift heavy with the guys. Lately I have been doing the Stronglifts 5X5 program. I have gotten much stronger.

    If you truly want to put on muscle you can only eat at a slight deficit. I have found it hard to strike the right balance. I am now training for a 5k and lifting a few times a week to maintain, but not increase my weights. The running is much easier for me after months of squats and deadlifts. I never did lower body weights when I ran before.

    I am a fan of compound movements that mimic movements we make in life. We never do bicep curls or tricep kickbacks anywhere but the gym. We do pick up children and laundry baskets from the floor. That's a deadlift. We do use public toilets. That's a squat my friends (for most of us).

    The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises also has a lot of great strength training workouts.
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 183 Member
    Bump...need to read this when I have more time