Most embarrassing moment ever?!



  • durangocal
    durangocal Posts: 90 Member
    My husband's most embarrassing moment occurred at the store when our special needs son was congratulating my husband for doing number two in the toilet. Just so you know, he used to speak with a VERY loud voice and it went something like this "Good job Daddy, you did it! You went number two on the toilet! Just like a big boy, you sat on the big boy toilet and you pushed! Did you remember to wipe?-cause if you did Mommy's going to give you some M&M's." I heard him from across the store and and needless to say we left immediately without our shopping done!!!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Today's selection from a lifetime full of embarrassment:
    I was in JROTC, which was a pretty big program at our high school. During my senior year I was chosen to be the band leader and bugler for the enormously important Annual Inspection, or National Inspection, or whatever the event was that we got all uptight about every year. The event was held outside in the football stadium. Anyway, when it was time to play the big solo I had to do, I don't know, maybe my nerves got to me, but my lips didn't work right. I played that trumpet so pathetically that the song was hardly recognizable. It seriously sounded like some little kid who had just picked up a trumpet for the first time. Of course, with every distorted and contorted note that I played I got even more nervous and embarrassed and destroyed it even worse. I'm not sure how that affected my school's ranking in the country, but it's hilarious now. Ah, fun times.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Well I went shopping with a friend up to the mall and we first decided we would use the bathroom so that we could do alot of shopping without stopping. So we went to the bathroom I laced the toilet with toilet paper just in case I fell while squating (public bathrooms are gross) I didnt fall but when I pulled my pants up a rather long peice of toilet paper came up with it. I had a huge peice hanging out of my pant the best part was we went shopping for hours around the mall we didnt notice untill I go home and was running up the front stairs. LOL too funny :)
  • thanks for the laugh
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