Beautifully Loved: Valentines Day Challenge



  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member

    Did you know that it takes two days for your body (and scale) to register the things that you did to it? I.e. the calories you burned yesterday will reflect on the scale tomorrow. If you ate a whole medium pizza by yourself two days ago, it will be showing up on the scale today. So don't fret if you worked your butt off, give your body a few days to register it!! =) And remember to have a beautiful Sunday!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Hey yall...I know yall probably know I aint been around. I wanna say sorry about that. A lot has been going on. I hate to say it but I'm not gonna be able to do this group thing. I would love it if someone would take over, that would be great. Please let me know if you would like to take this group over.

    I'm sorry to let yall down. I have been told I'm newly onset diabetic. I feel like I owe myself to treat myself right and take care of myself and I don't wanna have to much on my plate! I feel bad and I wish yall the best!

    I could take over if everyone is okay with it? I have the time to put towards it and I am sure we could get creative!
    We could post weekly challenges and the like to make this a little more of a group?
    What are your thoughts on this guys?
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member

    For those interested, I started a new thread for the group. If you don't want to switch over then that's cool! No pressure!
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Hey yall thanks to Jersey3025 we have a new group leader! Thanks so much for stepping up!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Name: Cant

    Challenge starting weight: 220.4

    Current weight 202.6 for a 17.8 pound loss

    End of challenge goal weight: 170

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: Move it!

    Challenge Starting Measurements:
    neck: 15
    chest: 43
    arms: left and right l 15 r 14.5
    waist: 40
    hips: 47
    thighs: left and right l 27 r 27

    sept 30 measurements

    neck 14.5 (-.5)
    waist 38 (-2)
    chest 41.5 (-1.5)
    arms L 14 (-1) r 13.75 (-.75)
    Thighs L 25 (-2) R 25 (-2)
    Hips 44 (-3)

    So that's 12.75 inches gone this month and 17.8 pounds!!!