buffet dining

I have recently been to an outing with a buffet. Although I did fair with the portions I am puzzled as to how to calorie count with small bits of food ,for example a peice of chicken size of a golf ball, or 5 noodles of ziti. Or a piece of stuffed shells. How do I put a dinner out ...on paper??
I am also wondering on adverage how accurate do people get with this site . Overall ,if you were to audit the diaries how accurate would they be. Just wondering.
Thanks so much for the input ...love the site


  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Keep in mind that not everything on MFP is 100% accurate and you needn't account for every single calorie.

    What you want to be aware of is educating yourself around how you are eating, what you're putting into your body and noticing where you see any patterns which may not be the best possible choices. (I.E....if you see a pattern of PopTarts and Pizza Pockets as your main meal choices....you may want to re-evaluate your breakfasts).

    For Buffets, I've seen a few generic posts for "Chinese Buffet" or "Indian Buffet" which gives a bulk calorie amount based on how many plates you ate.

    It's only one meal so it's not going to throw off your entire diary if you don't count every individual morsel you ate.