I really need your support, really do .... :(

I just had baby no. 2, he's a month old and I have a 3 yr old daughter. I had a c-section. I was originally 180 lbs before I got pregnant and I gained 60 lbs with him :( - I was 240 lbs when I gave birth, now - after my c-section - I'm at 220 :( I want to start eating healthy and lose the weight, I do good for 2 or 3 days and then I feel like giving up, I know I don't have an option to give up because I'm so heavy now & I don't like the way I look at all. I've lost weight before but I feel overwhelmed with both kids, I want the house to be sparkling clean and the food to be ready for my husband when he gets home and then my newborn wanting to breastfeed or drink bottle every other hour, my daughter asking me to play with her and I just feel sooo overwhelmed :( I want to take care of myself but I can't even take care of all the things I have NOW. I knew that having 2 kids would be overwhelming and I know I JUST need to adjust but I really need more motivation for my dieting - anyone out there have any good tips?


  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I don't have alot of advice for you because when I was at your spot I didn't care about eating right, I just wanted to survive. But I do konw that you need to watch all that pressure you're putting on yourself. When my hubby would come home from work I would start apologizing for all the stuff I didn't get done that day and he would stop me and say 'are the children alive?' I would kinda chuckle and say yes and then I'd be ready to get one thing done, maybe dinner, maybe a little cleaning, whatever was necessary that day. You are in the trenches right now but I can tell you it gets better. Mine are 6 and 4 now and I have survived! You can do it too! :)
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    Oh and I meant to say KUDOS to you for wanting to watch what you eat now b/c like I said I totally didn't care when I was in your shoes. That is awesome and will help you for sure!
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    take a deep breath. another one. ANOTHER ONE. :) relax, and realize that you CAN do this. it takes some work and dedication, but the reward it totally worth it. weight-loss is a journey, take it one step at a time. i find that using MFP keeps me on track, keeps me accountable and on the ball with my calorie intake and with my workouts. let it do the same for you. :) i'm here for all the support and advice that you need. i'm no professional, but i can probably give you some great tips!
  • pierogiprincess
    pierogiprincess Posts: 24 Member
    :smile: Keep going and stay positive. I often get overwhelmed (DAILY) and a friend told me that she makes her TO DO LIST and then prays over it asking God to help her get done what HE wants her to do today. We put lots of pressure on ourselves and think we can do it all, when it is actually impossible to get done what we think we SHOULD do. Can't say I do it every time, but I'm trying to make my list and then turn it over to God! He runs things alot better than I ever could!
  • tamsgenie2003
    tamsgenie2003 Posts: 5 Member
    I know how you feel, I have two young children as well. As if loosing weight isn't hard enough and we have husbands and children to take care of. I try to remind myself that perfection doesn't exist.. as long as we are trying thats a good start. The only comfort i can give you is as the little ones get older it does get easier and you'll have more time to care for yourself. Good luck, You can do this!
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    You still need to set time aside for yourself ,if your not happy with yourself and stressed etc that is going to carry through in everything else that you do .Try and set aside a little time even if it's half an hour at some point of the day .Leave folding the washing and do a 20 min workout dvd (only when you feel you can after c-section don't push yourself) ease yourself into it.The washing will still be there to fold later , and so will the weight if you don't do something about it.A little time to yourself isint to much to ask and your hubby may even thank you for it in the long run :) Put bubs in the pram and go for a walk thats how I lost my post baby fat first time round (stupidly put it all back on grrr). Also after a c-section I found pilates (I do the windsor 20min workout) was fantastic and made a huge difference!! Be careful not to over do things I learnt very quickly that I couldnt feel my muscles after having a c-section while I was working out but if I pushed to hard i payed for it the next day,and then your no good toanyone lol So like I said ease yourself into it :) Goodluck and your def in the right place here this site is fantastic!! feel free to add me if you like :)
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    You still need to set time aside for yourself ,if your not happy with yourself and stressed etc that is going to carry through in everything else that you do .Try and set aside a little time even if it's half an hour at some point of the day .Leave folding the washing and do a 20 min workout dvd (only when you feel you can after c-section don't push yourself) ease yourself into it.The washing will still be there to fold later , and so will the weight if you don't do something about it.A little time to yourself isint to much to ask and your hubby may even thank you for it in the long run :) Put bubs in the pram and go for a walk thats how I lost my post baby fat first time round (stupidly put it all back on grrr). Also after a c-section I found pilates (I do the windsor 20min workout) was fantastic and made a huge difference!! Be careful not to over do things I learnt very quickly that I couldnt feel my muscles after having a c-section while I was working out but if I pushed to hard i payed for it the next day,and then your no good toanyone lol So like I said ease yourself into it :) Goodluck and your def in the right place here this site is fantastic!! feel free to add me if you like :)
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    I second that. Perfection doesn't exist, you don't have to be perfect, sometimes good enough is good enough ;-).
    I'd suggest starting slow, give yourself time and enjoy your babies, there will be time enough in another month or two when you are getting a bit more sleep and baby can go more than a few hours without feeding. For now, look after yourself, make sensible choices when you go shopping, maybe go walking with baby in the buggy, get fresh air, sleep when you can. The rest will come. Just try and avoid getting depressed and demotivated and heading to the junk food shelves when you are feeling tired and vulnerable!
  • I dont have any children but I do take care of my elderly parents. It's a full time job. I think you have to do the best you can and not be so hard on yourself. No one can do everything no matter how much you want to. Perfection is a nice idea but its just not reality. I try constantly to remember this one- you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Your health is important not only to you but to your family! Good luck.