Anyone combine low calorie with low/lower carb?



  • intermittency
    When doing low carb (keto style) it's best to do regular amount of calories first on high fat - decent amount of protein diet for a little while (at least one month), because then you'll get adapted to burning fat before going low calories. If you do low calories you'll lose weight anyway, thing is, if you adapt first, you'll spare more lean weight and burn almost exclusively fat.

    For people getting constipated my advice is - beware of the types of food you are consuming. Foods that I'm sensitive to tend to cause me constipation (e.g. dairy and some vegetables). Constipation may be a sign of gut imbalance of some sorts. I thought I had constipation because I ate little volume of food, but as soon as I changed some foods in my diet, I started having one bowel movement a day.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Okay - my take. There is no such thing as "starvation mode". Unles you mean the poor people that are actually starving for want of food. Study after study has shown that Low Calorie Diets, if you can stay on them, will shed pounds. Case closed. Anything else is wishful thinking by those that want to believe that you have to "eat more food" to lose weight. I have done lots of testing on myslef and have settled on a Low Carb / Low Calorie approach. I eat between 800 - 1000 calories per day and keep my carbs under 20 grams (usually less). I shun any grain, corn, dairy, etc... and have embraced the whole grass fed beef and wild caught fish thing but that's a different story. Sticking to my Low Carb and Low Calorie approach, I have lost 50 lbs since late May. I weigh myself everyday (a no no, I know) and can loosley map my weight loss (with pretty consistent exercise) to what the net result of my calorie deficiency for my size should be. Assuning that 3500 calories = a pound of fat. Bottom line, if you can do Low carb and Low Calorie.. it is an absolute sweet spot for weight loss. I have been averaging about 4 lbs of fat loss per week. I've been hungry a few times (haven't cheated yet) - but for the most part, I don't have any cravings. Good luck!

    For real though. I read all those calorie increase threads like "wuh what?" It is strange to see how many here hold religiously to this principle of starvation mode. If it were a thing, there would be no underweight people with eating disorders. No one chunks up from being underfed.

    Eat more to weigh less is this................

    Instead of taking a massive calorie cut (1200 is lower than BMR for most women anyway).....The eat more, weigh less crowd takes a moderate cut.

    The purpose of a moderate cut is that the individual "spares" lean muscle mass. If you want to lose quickly, be prepared to lose muscle mass in the process.

    It has NOTHING to do with starvation mode. Eating disorders can come form those who lose quickly, only to be disappointed with how they look. Lowering body fat % is a better look than just lowering weight.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

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