BEST TIME TO WORKOUT?? Responses appreciated!!

Hey everyone! Especially the LADIES!! I was wondering when is the best time to workout? I usually go on my lunch breaks at work for an hour around 12pm. I mainly focus on cardio (treadmill, elliptical, try to do some 5-10 pound weight lifting...)

I want to try something new and be able to go early morning before work around 7AM. Do any of you go early morning? If you do, what's a good pre-workout meal before a gym cardio hour workout?


  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    I get up at 4:45..its not that bad since my boyfriend has to get up around then anyway...I read that morning workouts are better for your metabolism too..
  • Personally I like evening workouts as my day is over with I know I can put everything I have into a work out and if I am dead after it doesn't matter, it also mean I can take a shower when I am done and go to bed and sleep in a little bit in the morning.

    but since I started doing 60mins of cardio every day I had to split my workouts up. I do 60mins cardio in the morning and then strength training Monday Wednesday Friday in the evening
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I think the best time to exerciase is the one that you like and will able to do it on a regular basis. I try to get up early before everyone else and bike or do an exercise video. As long as I get up I am rarely interupted.
  • MrsStrom725
    MrsStrom725 Posts: 6 Member
    Read 10 different books on when the best time to workout is, and you'll get 10 different answers. My answer: whenever you'll get up and workout. Want to know what the best kind of cardio is? The kind you'll actually do. I'd limit the cardio to 45 minutes or less. After that your cortisol levels rise, and that's a bad thing.

    My real recommendation is to start lifting heavier weights. You won't bulk up. I promise. Bulking for women is very difficult to do, even when you're trying.

    ~Andrea, NCSF CPT
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    Anytime really, just not so close to bed... it might bother your sleep pattern
  • I always exercise for an hour after supper. I've heard that the best times to exercise are in the morning or after supper, but exercising any time is better than no exercise at all! :happy:
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i always work out in the evening times since that is when my gym offers all the classes I go to...
    i usually workout anywhere from an hour to an hour and half, starting around 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening.

    i think that any workout at any time is better than no work out at all :D
  • faye_daisy
    faye_daisy Posts: 148
    Read 10 different books on when the best time to workout is, and you'll get 10 different answers. My answer: whenever you'll get up and workout. Want to know what the best kind of cardio is? The kind you'll actually do. I'd limit the cardio to 45 minutes or less. After that your cortisol levels rise, and that's a bad thing.

    My real recommendation is to start lifting heavier weights. You won't bulk up. I promise. Bulking for women is very difficult to do, even when you're trying.

    ~Andrea, NCSF CPT

    I agree when ever is best for you bust a move!
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    Much as I hate the mornings, I find it best when I force myself to get up and work out in the morning before work. I have such a stressful job that I might not get out of the office until after 7 some nights, and that's just too darned late. Then I'm not stressing all day wondering if I'm going to fit in my workout, plus my muscles are way looser in the morning than after I've been tensed up all day long.
  • On weekends, I go for a 4 or 5 mile run. I'm home within in hour. Pre workout food is either 2 tablespoon of old fashion oat with a little bit or raisin and enough water to make it moist... or 1/2 a banana or apple - but sometimes 1/2 a banana or apple can be a bit much for my stomach and I get side aches. I come back, then have my breakfast.
  • I've tried all times of day, from 4:30am to 10pm, but the best times for me seem to be around 6-7am or 3-4pm. I have the most energy early in the morning, so I'm more apt to push myself harder. It also puts me a cheery mood for at least the first half of the day! When I do late afternoon/early evening, I usually get my second wind, and I tend to burn more calories.

    As for morning food, I tend to go for a couple pieces of toast with honey or peanut butter, a banana, or a small granola bar. The carbs give me energy, but these are the only things that don't hurt my stomach mid-workout!

    Good luck switching to mornings :).
  • I haven't figured out when the best time is, I just do it when I can get it in. I like to do about 60 minutes of cardio a day, and if I have to break it up, then I do thirty minutes at lunch and then thirty (or more if I can), after dinner and the kids go to bed.