Does grocery shopping count as exercise?



  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I never think of non exercise activities as exercise. If you're gonna do that, you may as well log every single non-sleep activity you do, and hey, you even burn calories when you sleep, so log that too.
    This is how I feel about it. Grocery shopping is shopping. I only log things I did specifically for exercise, or if I did something really intense like hours of yardwork. But grocery shopping, dishes, regular shopping, cooking, etc...that's just life.
    For some people, a 15 min walk around the block (or the mall) is a big deal.
    See, I might count a 15 min walk around the block if I did it for exercise. I may burn way more shopping for 3 hours but that was shopping, not exercise. I don't think you have to be sweating buckets to count something, but I just like to put things in the exercise or daily life buckets.
  • charliebrown1962
    Now nearly an empty nester I find I do not grocery shop as often as I did. One, I hate grocery shopping, and two, I just don't seem to have the time to fit it in. So, for me, grocery shopping, pushing the cart through the packed HEB store, fighting to get around stockers and people who don't want to move, is not only physical, but mental excercise! As a librarian I stay active during the day but not as active as those who may stand on their feet all day or who are blue collar workers that work a sweat up.
    So for me, grocery shopping is outside of the norm. If you think lifting bags that are grossly over packed and heavy, that are nearly tearing apart because they are too heavy, and lifting them from the cart to the car, from the car to the house is easy, than by all means, don't count it!
    But I figure if I have worked up a sweat because of it, it is excercise! I have turned into a health conscious nut and I don't eat back the calories I burned, even after my daily 3 mile walk in this hot and humid Texas heat. Those are calories that don't need to be added back into my diet, no matter how tempting they may be.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    As others have said, unless you are logging it indirectly (via fitbit), or going grocery shopping is a rare occurrence with actual work involved (like walking up and down 2 flights of stairs several times) don't log it. There isn't really a legitimate reason to log it, except to trick yourself into thinking you are actually working out. But you aren't. You are doing a normal activity.

    Oh wait, that reminds me, I need to log 10 minutes of "finger exercises" for typing out forum posts.