New to MFP

klfain Posts: 3
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Kathy. I joined last week and My Fitness Pal has helped me so much. I have been able to track my calories and find where my mistakes are and learn more about fitness. I never cared much for exercising or eating right because...well, I'm lazy and I like to eat. I work 40 hours a week and have a husband and teenager to come home to so anything else just didn't really seem important. Until I tried on almost every pair of shorts I own and they didn't fit. I decided I needed to do something. A lady I work with turned me on to MFP and I have done pretty well. I look forward to my future now that I am trying to get healthy. :wink:


  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hi Kathy~ You will do great here! There is so much support from everyone and once you get used to logging everyday you will find that you have to do it, so addicting! It's nice though to know how many calories are in everything and it will motivate you to lose more once you start seeing that scale go down. Good luck to you! Feel free to add me as a friend for support.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Welcome! Amazing site with amazing people!
  • I have to agree with kimberg75. Once you start tracking everything, you can't stop. I've become stingy with my calories to the point I don't want a Snickers bar cause its just not worth it, literally it costs to much. I love my mobile app and couldn't do without it. I was at 6Flags using MFP to figure out which snack was better, a pretzel or popcorn. I ended up with a few chicken nuggets and a water. Feel free to friend me and welcome!
  • klfain
    klfain Posts: 3
    It has become addicting. Thanks you for all the support. I never paid any attention to how many calories I was getting in my cereal every morning. I thought 2 cups of coffee and a bowl of shredded wheat was pretty good. Turns out there are more calories in 1 cup of 2% milk than there are from the sugar in my coffee. I am now eating granola bars.
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