Moms, how/when do you fit in exercise?

abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
Since starting work part-time I've been struggling to make time for exercise. I used to work upper body and lower body on different days twice a week. Now I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking maybe I should do a full-body workout twice a week. How do you fit in your workouts? Why/how does it work for you? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • auba2004
    auba2004 Posts: 12
    hey there!! I am a mom and its hard to fit a workout in!! Kids are very demanding but i actually just include them! They go on wlkas with me everyday! If you want to go to a gym i have heard that some have a playroom for young kids! If you can get some home equipment and just work out with them home with you! i am joing a gym here soon but again the one i am joing has a playroom for them!
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    I get up at 5amand hit the road for a run, then do some strength work at home till about 7am when my youngest wakes. Fitting it in around the kids is hard, but I feel much better when I've worked out, so it's good for them too. :-)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Whenever the kids sleep. Most of the time 10 pm is workout time at my house when doing an at home workout. Otherwise anytime the gym daycare is open.
  • its hard! Sometimes i dont get any exercise in at all honestly, besides running after them lol. Otherwise they generally think its funny when im dancing around to dvds and like to go for walks with me.
  • caitmcwill
    caitmcwill Posts: 102
    I have a 4 month old daughter so fitting time in to work out is hard. I go on walks with her every permitting. I also work out 6 days a week and I try to fit it in in the morning when she is napping. I am not sure how old your child is, but I would try to see if there is a time when they are entertaining themselves and take that time for yourself to get healthy and looking good :) Good luck!
  • I take walks with my little girl most days, and it's good exercise because she is still in a stroller so I can go as fast as I want. I do C25K when my husband is home from work, or before he leaves in the morning because it's not safe to have my little girl in the room with the treadmill going (she wont stay away from it and likes to throw toys on it...). It's hard to fit exercise in, I don't know how I'm going to do my C25K once fall semester starts up. Best of luck fitting in some work outs!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Ask your partner to support you, if possible. If not, try to trade kids with a friend or neighbor, use the kids' club at the gym, or depending on the ages of the kids, have an older one be in charge of younger ones.

    I have 4 kids, 3 of whom are in school. I bring my youngest with me to the gym sometimes, or I ask my husband to be in charge. She goes to preschool 3 mornings, so I take that opportunity to ride or SUP (outdoor activities with no child-sitting available).

    My husband takes over for evening activities or my Saturday morning rides; I am very blessed to have him support me.

    edit: if I can't get out anywhere or there is limited time between drop offs/pick ups (school and/or other activities), I just work out at home. Kids know they have to let me have my 45 minutes to rehearse my dances, or what have you. Also, my husband works out mostly on his elliptical in the garage, and kids know NOT to disturb him during his exercise time.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Hey, I try get mine in when babys napping and if i cant i take him for a walk or hes more than happy to eat his lunch whilst i do it

    Mine is coming up 11 months so i guess it depends on there age. Mines crawling everywhere which makes things a little harder if hes not asleep/eating
  • I try to get out with my little guy when it is not to warm outside. For the most part I exercise in the morning when he is still sleeping. Sometimes I get a quick 10 minute cardio in while he is eating his breakfast and watching KVIE. When he plays his favorite game, Doritos Crash Course, I get another 15 - 30 minutes in. During his rest time around 2:30 or 3, I get an hour - 3 hours of free time to exercise or whatever. Finally, I get few hours once he is down for the evening. I keep my pedometer on and I count the unstructured steps when playing with him, chasing him around, cleaning, fixing meals and baby trips to the bathroom. I have been stepping 5 miles a day! When I am playing video games with him I march in place with high knees. I guess we just have to get creative :)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    after almost 5 years of constant weight gaining, i decided that this year was going to be my year.

    i only work 2 x 4 hour mornings a week at my work and now i do bookwork for DP's business at home, but that's usually 1-2 hours at night everyday.

    I go every morning to the gym, usually at 9am for an hour, maybe 1.5 hours. some of the classes i like are on at 10.30, but it just kills my day, so i usually just go to the earlier ones. i don't fit it in, i fit everything else in around my gym. it's my only hobby, my only thing that I do for me, my only break from the kids. so it comes before everything else.

    that's the way i like it. and i'm worth it. fortunately i'm not in a position where i have to go out and get a job with longer hours, but I do intend on doing that at some stage, and i still want to work the gym into it. hopefully by the time i get back to going back to work fully, i'll be at my goal weight, and the maintenance will allow me to not have to go to the gym 5x a week. i'd still like to go to the gym 3x a week for an hour. and then probably walk every lunch break for 30 mins or something like that. and if possible work at a place that is close enough to home that i can ride my bike or walk to work and home most days.
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    I wonder about this too but have a few methods so far for handling it. Reading over the above comments has given me some more ideas though, especially that comment about fitting the kids / home / work around the gym rather than the gym around everything else. I think that is something I need to start doing to ensure I don't come up with excuses not to go.

    My methods:
    - walking home with my daughter (especially good when she's tired & I have to carry her up the hills - free strength training :laugh: )
    - childcare + free time = must go to gym
    - going out for family activities eg pools or play at the park
    - trying out child exercise dvds.. I've tried this once so far and it was ok but if you do this make sure you get a very interesting dvd to do so they don't get bored
    - dancing at home (very successful)
    - playing. This is actually quite good, eg jump on a trampoline (a lot harder to do as an adult than I remembered it)
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 592 Member
    I wonder about this too but have a few methods so far for handling it. Reading over the above comments has given me some more ideas though, especially that comment about fitting the kids / home / work around the gym rather than the gym around everything else. I think that is something I need to start doing to ensure I don't come up with excuses not to go.

    My methods:
    - walking home with my daughter (especially good when she's tired & I have to carry her up the hills - free strength training :laugh: )
    - childcare + free time = must go to gym
    - going out for family activities eg pools or play at the park
    - trying out child exercise dvds.. I've tried this once so far and it was ok but if you do this make sure you get a very interesting dvd to do so they don't get bored
    - dancing at home (very successful)
    - playing. This is actually quite good, eg jump on a trampoline (a lot harder to do as an adult than I remembered it)

    Some of the things i do with my four children are
    Play football (to eldest love it)
    We do dancing mainly silly ( we do it to make us laugh) for my little ones i have them in my arms
    I also do lifting up in the air, laying on the floor with my legs bent up & get one child to sit on your legs then lift up. my daughter laughs so much.
    Horse rides on your back
    Piggy back rides (we do races sometime)
    I go for long walks
    All the stuff i tend to do does not cost a thing as money is short.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I'm up for work at 5,30am so getting something in before work/kids is impossible. I need some sleep. Home from work at about 5pm, collect the kids from creche at 5.30pm and then the fun starts!!!!!!

    I go the the gym/walk etc when the kids go to bed. So I'm at the gym for about 8pm. My husband stays at home with minding the kids. I get back from the gym at about 10pm, bed at 11pm. It's hard and I get tired but it's worth it. I work out 4-5 nights a week like this.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old and go to the gym at 5am while she and DH are still sleeping. I meet a friend (who has a boy the same age) so this is kind of our "girl time.". We lift 3x per week (currently doing New Rules of Lifting for Women) and do interval training 2x per week.
  • renderol
    renderol Posts: 21
    I have a 10 month old. Every day is a struggle! I work full time so I can understand how hard it is.

    I always do some kind of activity on my luch break. Go for a walk or use the stairs as your gym. bring some mini weights and use them to do some curls. anything you can fit in.

    Take your kid(s) on a walk.Play a game like 1.2.3 jump where you use them as a weight and are still interacing with them. chase them or crawl after them playing i'm going to get you.

    Use your friends, family, and significant other as a tool in your healthy lifestyle. They will help out.

    Remeber that everyday is a struggle and sometimes you are not goint to fit every thing in. But the point is to fit something in.....
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I work full time and have a toddler. While I might be able to squeeze in bigger workouts, I know that I could never keep that up for years. And since I want this to be a lifestyle change, not just a temporary thing, I just mix workouts into my day. Usually it's taking my son for a walk. Sometimes I ride my exercise bike after he goes to bed. And after he goes to bed at night, I try to always do a few exercises. Situps, pushups, crunches, etc.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    My daughter's sometimes a crappy napper so I at least try to get the 30 Day Shred in since its really only 20minutes. If she doesn't nap at all, I get it in after she goes to sleep round 7:30pm. It's tough doing it at night since I'm usually tired myself but I have to do it at some point :)
  • hml1976
    hml1976 Posts: 64
    I made (uh actually I asked nicely) my husband step up. I get up early 5-6 mornings a week and walk 5 miles. Sometimes he has to (gasp!) make breakfast. In return he gets a hotter and healthier wife :)

    We also have a Treadclimber (love it!) so for days when he has to work early or is out of town I put the kids in front of the tv and spend 30-40 minutes on it.

    The time is there. As women we're so used to putting other people first but your health and happiness are important too. Good luck!
  • sistertransister
    sistertransister Posts: 56 Member
    children do make it a challenge to fit in exercise! I have three--3 month old. 2 yr old and a 3 year old. i think your questions depends on what ages your children are...everbody's solution will be different based on what their schedules are and if their babies sleep in or go to bed early. nad as soon as you get a schedule together with it...they will change and you will enter into a new phase! :) so it is tricky! i do involve my children ALOT!. we do alot of dancing! i have a playlist on my comp of motiona nd action songs that is over 30 mins long. tha tis somehting i can turn on and sing along with them and i can amp up the cardio on the motion and movements for myself and have my heart rate up in no time. i want my children to know that movement and exercise are important for health so we paln that into our afternoon and evening schedules whether it is a walk or going to play "soccer" or taking some balls outside to throw and run after. i never thoguht i would be a person who enjoyed exercise DVDs but now that i have children i love their flexibility. i can work out at 10pm at night or at 6 am inthe morning...whatever works with how my week is going. i know that is not ideal--and when my children are a little older i would ike to have a more consistant schedule--but i keep reminding myself that being the important part is to be doing something...even if it is a Tae Bo DVD at 11pm like last night! :) don't get discouraged! be creative and contine to find ways to MOVE!!!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I wake up at 4:50am and I am at the gym by 5:20am. DH and her stay at home sleeping. I work out until 6:20ish and jump in the shower and head to work.
    After I get off work, I try and do 30 Day Shred!
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